
HOW is it NOT mysogynist to compare feminism to mad cow disease? Would you compare the civil rights movement?

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to AIDS or cancer?




  1. Mad feminist disease strikes any female (or feminized male) with less than an open mind, with the grueling brain disease.

  2. (Shakes head)

    The misogynists are out in hordes tonight.  I like the way they have false female identities, and then in their answers say something like, "You women..."  

    Who are they trying to impress - themselves - are they just being cute for the benefit of their own sadly socially incompetent friends.

    You come here for some intelligent questions and find out that the children have taken over this forum, also.

  3. stop comparing the civil rights movement and the current feminist movement, they are not necessarily the same today as they were years ago. There are tons of laws and legislation that protect minorities and most especially women and give them equal rights and opportunities, it is up to us to make the best of it now moreover racism involves issues that are different from the issues that are discussed in the feminist movement today don't try to equate the two movements....they were two completely different chapters in history.

  4. Cow=Feminist... Disease= feminism.... Mad= ugly hairy woman with no man

    Gee it sounds like the math all adds up whats the problem?

  5. What a pathetic argument. Isn't it obvious that you can love women and hate feminism? Also to compare the domestic 'slavery' of women to the actual slavery of Black people is pretty insulting to Black people.

    But yes, I think it is reasonable to compare feminism to cancer; it is a hidden disease destroying society from the inside out.

  6. You know the term "mad" is British slang for crazy, not angry, right? Since that's where the disease was first identified, that's why it got that name.

  7. Because they have (conveniently) forgotten as victims of mad cow do, what they actually stood for in the past. So actually they're worse because of this self-awareness lol

    Civil rights was legitimate since it advocates equity. Advocating equality, which is what feminism does now, is at odds with fair treatment of men and women.

    Edit: what was wrong with what I said? Men and women aren't equal right? I think they should be but unfortunately even though we treated them equitably and thus gave them equal opportunity they still do not fill the same number of high offices as men do. That's tough.. logically it must be unfair to push for equality when we're treating them fairly i.e. they have the same rights

  8. You are right to compare the women's movement to the civil rights movement.  The idiot above who stated that the civil rights movement was about equality is very young and doesn't remember what an outrage it was to whites when affirmative action began.  Lynches in the South reappeared. (If they ever really went away.)  Think of all the murders that happened during the Civil Rights movement.  A little name calling from these Internet weaklings is nothing.

  9. You mean that question about arranging the threats? The asker wasn't comparing the two, he/she was just asking opinions on which poses more of a threat to our society. Relax.

    Shout out to Sexual Harassment Panda.

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