
HOW much??!!??!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have a soft top beginners board that im going to either sell to the surf shop or sell it at the surf shop. how much should my asking range be??

more deatils are:

-no dings



-only ridenabout 5 times (i have never ridden it because its me aunts)

-6-7 foot

-NO traction pad for front or back foot

-an angel by surface




  1. i dont know but it would help if we new the price of it win you got it

  2. you would probably be better off selling it privately yourself.  those boards have no real resale value.  id be surprised if you got 200 for it, even privately.  the soft boards are really for beginners who usually do not want to spend that much money, especially since they could get a decent glassed board for 300 used

  3. i own a surf shop and id say it would sell 4 $139 at most!!!!!

  4. I like soft top boards to teach young children how to surf. Other than that, they don't have much of a place in your average surfer's quiver. Most shops probably won't take them as a trade in. I'm sure no shop will buy it, because a used soft top has such low resale value. You might be able to get a couple hundred bucks at a shop that let's you sell on consignment. Why not just advertise on a supermarket bulletin board. I'm looking for one for my grand kids (my son-in-law just bought one just like that for his 7 year old), I have six who are in need of surfboards in the next two or three years.

  5. Considering the condition and amount of times ridden, don't go any lower than $125, the soft top boards don't usually resale for much and the color pink isn't widely bought by many surfers.  Don't expect a $200 offer or anything, they will sell it for about 125%-200% of the price they bought it from you depending on the shop and board.  Well good luck selling it, do some research before you sell it and bring it to a few local shops.
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