
HOW on earth do I go about finding out my family tree???

by  |  earlier

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I'd love to know my mum and dad's side of the family.... who i'm related to, going back many many years and where they all came from...etc but i havent a clue how can someone do such a thing?

Is it even possibe?




  1. You can find out information from your Library, I have info on my family going back to mid 1700's

  2. Start at the roots boy start at the ROOTS,   groucho.

  3. Get as much info from your their parents names and place of birth, then their grandparents. If you come to a blank then armed with all your info start to use archive libaries and look at census forms. There is a great place in London cant remember its name but it has vast amounts of birth, death and census forms that cover Britain. Also the internet.

    Happy hunting.  

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