
HOW to play soccer very well i cant play good?

by  |  earlier

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can someone tell me any site to teach me soccer




  1. Here is an interesting web page. It contains different videos geared for beginners.  Maybe with these demonstrative techniques you will have some basics to practice, then after you have mastered them, you will be able to add your own style, and maybe come up with some moves on your own.

    I can tell you that kicking a ball against a wall will help you perfect your passing, shooting,  and receiving a ball.  The same is possible when practicing heading techniques, and trapping the ball with your foot. Buy a set of orange cones to practice dribbling your own obstacle course.  All these thing you can do on your own.

    Of course after practicing for a while, it would be a good idea to use your skills against other soccer players whom you know are better than you, so you can know that you are improving. This is the best way to actually learn is by watching and participating in the sport itself, preferably against more skilled players so you may get better.  Like lifting weights, the challange comes from preparing yourself and reaching the next level of weight.  Oh yea, cross country running will help you emensly with your endurance.  Guaranteed you will be able to last longer without getting tired faster.  The more your endurance last within a game the more you will be able to execute the special moves you will develop in due time.

    Definitly take up Cross Country you won't regret it.

  2. go to and see video's on how to play

    and buy a ball and keep playing thats how i got good.

  3. keep on practicing

    After about 3 years you will get better

  4. first of all its football and not soccer, and secondly why de helll are u trying to learn football from the internet, any advice on the internet is bound to be c**p as someone who is any good in football would not bother learning people online as they know its hopeless,

    the best way to learn is join a amateur club and practice weekly/daily

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