
HOw cAN i gEt eManCiPaTeD?

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mY parENtS aRe mEaN tO mE i LiVe iN fLoRiDa hOw dO I sTaRt




  1. Less than 1% of of emancipation petitions are granted.   In order to be emancipated you have to show that yo are a fully functioning adult, inclduing being able to cover your own expenses without social assistance, and manage your education independently.  

    There also needs to be evidence that your parents a defective or in some way abusive.

    Most teenagers think their parents are mean, this is probably becuase most teenagers have an attitude.

  2. You can't.

    anYonE wHo tYpeS lIkE tHiS is too immature to be emancipated.


  3. First thing you do is stop using the stupid every other letter is a capital letter thing.  A judge sees that and he'll know you're not ready to be responsible for yourself.

  4. I can tell from the way you tYpEd your question that you are far too immature to be emancipated.  Are you still playing with Barbie dolls?  You have to be self supporting to become emancipated.  You are not or you would know better than to type the way you do.

  5. GeT A lAwYeR wItH your own money  

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