
HOw cOmE......?

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Why do people think that confident woman are lesbians or 'butch'?




  1. Probably because they are used to having men as bosses.  Also maybe because women have traditionally been associated as being empathic and helpful?  Today's women have to be tougher to negotiate life/work.

  2. I asked a similar question a little while ago, about men trying to physiologically harass women into being weak little sissies, so they could feel superior to them.

  3. Because they have an inferiority complex, if they see a woman that they think is better than them, then they fel better by thinking there must be something ';wrong' with them.

  4. Well, many people are threatened by confident, assertive women so they attempt to relieve their intimidation with "insults." People believe that women aren't "supposed" to behave that way (confidently and assertively) and they don't like it.

  5. It's a stereotype and like all stereotypes it takes a grain of supposed 'fact' and mixes it with a lot of prejudice to arrive at a conclusion which helps keep people 'in their place'.

    Traditionally, women have been viewed as 'the weaker s*x', and have had to be extra confident or outspoken to 'make it' in work or lifestyles outside the ordinary.

    Portraying such women ina supposedly negative light meant that women who were not as confident could be prevented from doing the same sorts of things.

    It's just the same as stereotyping black people as 'lazy', based on the 'fact' that some black people objected to being worked 18 hour a day as slaves, then denying them the right to professional positions based on the stereotype.

    It's how stereotyping works.

    Cheers :-)

  6. i dont. i mean unless they look manly n act manly.
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