
HOw can I clean these tack related items?

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Hey there, so I've decided to go through some of my tack stuff and clean it. So I need to know how to clean some of these items, since I am clueless. Here's what I have:

Two saddle pads that need cleaning, I have one magenta colored one with purple-ish piping.

A white saddle pad with royal purple piping, and my initials on the side, stiched in.

how should I wash these, especially the magenta one so they don't bleed/lose color?

I also have a white sheepskin saddle pad, it has a very high back, if that makes sense, like the back of it is cushioned. It is in the shape of the saddle, and it's just getting dis-colored and getting other things on it, dirt and such.

And I have a pessoa ear fly mask thing. The kind that goes over their ears when riding, and falls down to their forhead ( Except mine doesn't have the crystals and it is white with a gold lining where the white is on that one.

White baby pad.

A saddle pad with different colored swirls, with orange piping. (I'll post a pic when I get home.)

I need to know how to clean these at home! I'm not going to spend money at a professional! I'm on a budget. :/

So my question is, how do I clean these all? ALl are dirty. Thanks!




  1. well, i might be alone in this but we have a power washer, like for cars or taking paint off decks and stuff.. and i use it set with just water to clean my saddle pads, i just set them out on our back deck and spray each side, and then put them on the railing to dry in the sun.  

    It works GREAT! no horsey smell in the house, and you don't have to worry about soap residue left on them they could transfer to your horses..

    I've heard of people going to car washes to get the same power hose, but I've never done it so i dunno!

    but It did WONDERS on my fake fleece/sheepskin shaped saddle pad,looks BRAND new.. got all the in ground dirt and stuff (i don't think I'd cleaned it in the 3 years i had it, but it was JUST a show pad)

    i dunno about the ear net thingy (i never know what to call those..) could you maybe hand wash it, like in a bowl of warm soapy water.. I'm assuming its just like barn/arena dirt that's settled on it since its white... basically treat it like you would a sweater..

    have fun cleaning!

  2. They can all go in the washer. Not at the same time, though!

    And beware: once you put horse stuff in your washer, it's going to smell forever.

    For the really nasty stuff, like the saddle pads, I like to scrub them first with Shout Gel and let them sit for a day or so. Then throw them in the washer with the hottest water they can take. You can probably do the magenta one in hot water, but don't put in anything white with it.

    Use Clorox Bleach for Colors.

    If possible, use a liquid detergent that doesn't have any dyes or fragrance. Concentrated stuff like All Small and Mighty Free and Clear works the best.

    As for the amount of detergent, put in the max load listed on the bottle.

    Don't use fabric softener, many horses are allergic.

    Most of the stuff will have to be run through the wash several times. Just reapply Shout Gel as needed.

    Don't dry stuff in the dryer, it will shrink your saddle pads and make them curl up at the edges.

    The sheepskin will need to go in on the delicate cycle, to prevent pilling and excessive wear. The ear thing should go in on delicate, too. Everything else can go in on heavy duty.

  3. If you dont want to send them away, you should wash them with detergent by hand first (scrub with a plastic curry) to get most of the dirt out before you put it in your washing me (from a bad experience), your family wont appreciate their clothes smelling like horse sweat for the 2 months after you wash your dirty pads in the communal washing machine! Wash them in cold water, with a mild detergent (no fabric softner) and hang to dry, they should be fine...for the fly viel, it should wash fine by hand...try a little vinegar to make the white brighter :)

    Good Luck

  4. W£ashing machine set on cool ( non fast coloureds) would probably be the best bet since you don't want to go to a professional. Or you could try handwashing them in the sink. I would do them all separattely either way.

    As for the sheepskin - is it real or synthetic ?

    If it's synthetic then washing machine will do it ( worked fine with mine)

    but if it's a real one you might find some useful info here

  5. I usually wash mine in the washing machine. I do two at a time (or separately if they have never been washed because the color will likely run). I separate by color; group reds, purples, oranges, and pinks. Dark blues, blacks, dark greens together, and whites as another group. I put extra liquid detergent on stains on the saddle pad, or spray the stains will a pre-treatment.

    I do throw saddle pads in the dryer, but you can line dry them too.

    Be careful with the sheepskin.

    I would hand wash the ear net.

    Ps. If you do ever do polos, I put them in a mesh bag first.

  6. <<>> you asked this same question 3 days ago. . .

    Use 'WOOLITE' detergent, follow bottle directions, wash/soak each one separately. I do mine in the bathtub, a la, grape stomping.

    Barefoot, of course. Drain the water, more grape stomping to remove excess water then outside to rinse with the hose and let drip dry.

    Cold water inhibits 'bleeding'.

  7. for most saddle blankets, you can wash them like normal colored clothes.. for white you can use bleach laundry detergent or ive also heard of using blue horse shampoo for white... but i havent tested it yet.

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