
HOw can I get over this ?

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How can I get over this ?

Ok about 2 years ago I moved to Chicago from Virginia. I moved planning I to make that my new home and not move back. While I was there I met a guy and we dated the enitre time. 2 weeks ago I moved back home to richmond,not for good, but to get on my feet.Saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing I EVER had to do. Harder then saying goodbye to family memebers when they passed , harder then leaving my family going to chicago, really is was harder then anything i had ever had to do. He was one person that i feel in love with. I have now been here two weeks and can't help but cry myself to sleep, thinking I made the wrong decision. Can anyone give me some advice on how to cope and get over the fact that we are probably not going to be together again and i need to move on...He was devistated that I moved back but if i can save enough money it won't be perment, it was just what i needed to do. The saddness is keeping me from having fun and going out. I just feel numb... can anyone relate??/




  1. Only you and he can work this out love, be sure you want to go back before you do, but do not leave the decision to late if you want to go back.

  2. If your just there to save some money then, save up for a while and then go back if you really feel so strongly about him, ask him to wait for you

  3. I know that you won't believe me but life goes on . give yourself a few months and if you really really cannot move on then it's time to move back . However I really do feel you should try to move on  here's some tips .

    1. get a new hobby , drawing , dancing , writing , whatever , you might find that you don't need him as much as you think you do .

    2. Let it all out , have  a good cry then  when you're all cried out wash you face and take a nice relaxing bath , think about the fact that you can move back and see him .

    3. Hang out with friends /make friends . A good girly chat usually helps .

    Do Not -

    1. get a new boyfriend just to fill the gap , you'll just end up getting more hurt .

    2.spend hours obsessing over him , it's not healthy .

    3.withdraw from socialising , it will make you feel even more lonley and upset .

    Good Luck , I'm sure you'll be fine :)

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