
HOw can I increase my chances of having a baby boy?

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HI , I have a daughter already and really want to make sure my next baby is a boy. The chineese calander says if i get pregnant next year sept, aug I will have a baby boy.

Who believes in this?

Can I trust it. Are their better things to try?




  1. Timing really is of the essence when trying to influence the possible s*x-selection of your child. I would suggest ( if you don't already) to use either the CM or BBT methods to track your ovulation. The male's sperm determines the s*x of the baby. His sperm either carry an X - bearing chromosone or a Y- bearing (male carrier) one. The Y - chromosones are smaller, lighter in density... basically built more for speed than durability. While the X - chromosones ( female carrier) are not as quick, they are denser and able to withstand more drastic conditions inside the female reproductive system. Now keeping that in mind, if you and your partner TTC 48 hours or more BEFORE you ovulate you chances of having a girl are increased. This is because they are the only sperm strong enough ( usually) to withstand living in the fallopian tubes and wait for the egg. If you can track your ovulation and TTC, preferably, within 12-24 hours before you ovulate, your chances of having a boy are significantly improved. As I mentioned earlier, they have the fastest mobility and if introduced into the female body right before or during ovulation, there is no extensive wait period in which they die - off. In addition to all of this, if the woman can climax before the man, it is believed that this makes it easier for the sperm to travel up the cervix. This is because the chemical reactions that occur during o****m makes the v****a much less acidic! It makes the pH a much more alkaline environment for the sperm!  I hope I have helped and good luck! My husband and I are trying for a boy as well!  

  2. mine came out true and so has a lot of other peoples i no!!  the male determines what gender it is ..  good luck!

  3. I heard that it's sweet foods for a girl and salty bitter foods for a boy. Try eating something bitter and salty.

  4. Sorry get what God gives you.

  5. I checked the Chinese Calendar after I had my twin boys, and it did say I would've conceived a boy like I did. I don't know how accurate it is - I mean its a 50/50 shot so you have to think its probably right sometimes.

    I have heard the best way to slightly increase your chances of having a boy is to wait until your day of ovulation to have s*x. The male sperm swim faster, but die quicker. Girl sperms are slower, but live longer. Now really it probably only increases your chances by a little, but I've seen it on health shows,and read about it a bit. Chart your cycle, and BD during your peak fertility, but not right before.

    Good Luck, and lots of Blue baby dust to you...

    7 months TTC#3, and I hope it happens soon!

  6. Well, I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant and according to the Chinese Lunar calander I am having a when I find out for sure what I am having I will let you know.

  7. When you find out, let me know! I am 2 for 2 on little girls. I heard a stat today that if you have 2 children of the same gender, you are like 75% more likely to have another of the same gender! i think if my hubby has another girl, he will move out!!

    I was told to have relations as close to ovulation as possible. Girl sperm are slower but live longer. Male sperm are faster but die quicker! (sound familar???)

    Best of luck

  8. Curl your toes.

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