
HOw can i ask my mom i want to spend time with her before school starts?

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i want to spend time with her.i want to get

-pedis and/or manis

-shop for school

-eat of course

-what are some other things we should do???

she doesnt like to shop much but i have to go school shopping. sometimes i get the vibe she doesnt really want to go shopping with me.

i want to do this on the week of the 28th

so how can i convince her and what should we do on this day??




  1. Well, my mom doesn't really care for shopping either, but I often see a glow on her face whenever I ask her to do something....

    Anyway, going to the nail salon sounds like a great idea, but maybe you should pay. Your mom is already having to cough up a bunch of money for your school supplies; so, show her that you want to do something nice for her...

    You can also take pictures in those little photo booths that they have in the mall (or at least in mine). They allow you to take four frames and give you two photo strips whenever you're done taking the pictures. This is something she could remember and look back on in the years to come.

    Also, let her go into stores that she likes, too, and try to find something in common with what she is taking interest in. And if you have time, maybe you could go skating or see a movie or something. It would give bonding time...

    As for convincing her: Just sit down and talk to your mom whenever she's not too busy. Make sure that you don't sound like you only want to go because you need stuff, and tell her that you will pay for the mani/pedi (or food if that is too much- applebees is having that 6.99 to 9.99 three course food deal). Make sure that she realizes that you really just want to spend time with her and that you want quality time.

    Good luck

  2. I'm sure your mom will be thrilled that you wanna spend time with her! Just talk to her about it and you can both decide on activities to do together that you both enjoy, but the ones you mentioned sound great. Also, don't worry because I'm sure it seems like she doesn't like shopping because often times shopping = spending lotsa money.

  3. Just straight out tell her! Just say something like, "Hey mom, why don't we hang out before I start school? I wanna spend some time with you." I'm sure she'll be thrilled. Maybe you should eat and get pedi/manis first, then maybe she'll be relaxed enough to go shopping and such.

  4. go to a spa or something...pedicures are great....

    then you two can talk and your mom can relax with you.

    and if it sounds like she isn't interested, ask her what she would do instead

  5. What a good question!

    School shopping can be stressful for girls (want to look good) and parents (that is a lot of money!) so don't take that personally. Maybe you guys could do something that you both like: Go to a movie, ride bikes, mini golf, get hair cuts.

    If you want to go shopping try setting a time limit in each store so your mom doesn't start to feel stuck instead of enjoying a day with her.

  6. If i were you i would just asm her, " Hey mom one day in the next few weeks we should have just a day to our selves. you know, go shopping around a little get our nails done or just something simple like going out for lunch."

    it doesn't have to be a big ordeal. just ask her what day would be nice to do this. and make sure you go shopping for her as well not just for yourself. it will make her feel like shes loved.

  7. be honest with her, tell her your feelings, and be truthful! Jus t ask her straight out why she does not want to go shopping with you, for your school clothes?Tell mom how you feel, that  you would like for her to go with you, and spend quality, time with you, before school starts!Then tell her you love her,and thank you,mayGod  Bless you.

  8. I think all the things you mentioned sound great. Your mom will probably be thrilled you want to spend time with her. Most teenagers thinks their parents are dorks and don't want anything to do with them : )

  9. I can't imagine a mom who wouldn't jump at a chance to spend time with a WILLING daughter!  She may be uneasy about "shopping", because "shopping" = "money", and finances might be tight, now. That might be the vibe you're getting -- I really doubt it has anything to do with you. Tell your mom that it's been a busy summer, but you really want a "girls day out" with her.  Then suggest shopping, lunch, and then a manicure.

    Maybe it would help if you sat down with her ahead of time and came up with a shopping list and agreed on a budget before you went. I know a lot of moms dread shopping with their daughters, because their tastes are so very different.  Ask her if there's anything SHE needs -- maybe something as basic as underwear!  

    Have fun!

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