
HOw come PETA attacks poor villages where they need meat?

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I saw many videos on the internet where poor villages butcher cows. These villages only have simple veggies, meat and tea. Yet, PETA members would say something like "I hope the villagers burn; that cow is in a lot of pain!". Why can't PETA leave poor villages alone?

Does PETA members think that human life is more minuscule than animal life?




  1. PETA is crazy.  I mean humankind has hunted for meat since the dawn of time.  But now PETA is just so anti-meat I'm surprised that you don't see them protesting at the meat counter at the grocery store.  Its one thing to make sure that animals are treated nicely but its another when it interferes with a persons diet and lifestyle.  PETA members need to get a life!!!

  2. Yes they do. PETA are evil! There is nothing wrong with eating meat though at the same time if people choose to I don't beat them up about it ... if WW3 started and there was a lack of food they would be climbing over everyone just like us to get at the meat.

  3. i havent heard that but sometimes these groups get so fanatical about a cause they loose sight of what they were trying to help in the first place

  4. If you are referring to my post, please read it again.I took issue with the METHOD of killing. No matter how poor you are,,using spears and sticks is not the way to kill a cow.

  5. PETA is full of people who have no life, they are sick in the head and need some serious help, hopefully they will learn how others need to survive

  6. PETA doesn't attack small villages. Animals are not food . No human needs meat.

  7. I'm afraid that never has or would happen.

    You obviously don't know a thing about PeTA. If you're going to criticize them, you could at least use facts. You didn't even bother looking at a biased anti-PeTA junk-site.

    No one has a problem with small villages eating animals except maybe a few immature teen or p*****n fanatics that don't know up from down.

  8. I don't recall PETA attacking small villages.  I think you are imagining that, buddy.

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