
HOw do I get rid of fruit flies?

by  |  earlier

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They came in on my tomatoes and now they seem to be multiplying, how do I get rid of them without destroying my house?




  1. Put the tomatoes in the fridge.  Fruit flies only live for about 24 hours, and any that were put into the fridge along with the tomatoes would probably die of the cold before 24 hours.  They lay their eggs in fruit, so after a day or two in the fridge you ought to be rid of them.

  2. i would keep the tomatoes in the fridge ,will keep the flies away and tomatoes fresh and tasty

  3. get rid of whatever is attracting them. i had a problem with them once and i couldnt figure out why. everything in the kitchen was clean, i didnt leave dishes in the sink yet my kitchen was swarming with them. it turned out i had some old potatoes and once i got rid of them the bugs were gone.  

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