
HOw have ordinary american workers benefited from the presidency of President Bush?

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The sht, are you keeping a straight face with those two items you threw out there? what about the 70 that I can list that are negative....does your 2 trump them still?




  1. Security. A loss of freedom in the name of security, but it's what everyone want's right?


    I kid, as even if we're more secure is questionable.

  2. Things were better untill 2 years ago wehn the Dems took over congress, so don't blame George

  3. OMG, he did so much for us.  He made us safer, he has improved the home ownership rate, he has decreased the unemployment rate, he has created a better world wide out look of America.  Unfortunately, I don't feel any safer, unfortunately the amount of foreclosures is the highest ever, unfortunately twice as many jobs were lost than created, unfortunately the people that think better of America is the people receiving billions from us.  

  4. Sure, here's my list:





    does that answer your question?

  5. I don't pay as much in taxes as I once did. Iam better off than I was since Bush has been in office.

  6. Lower income taxes (everyone pays less income tax than we did with the Clintons) and we have yet to have another homeland attack though not for a lack of Al Qaeda's trying.   I think we can safely give him credit for somethings as much as many people would like to paint him as a total waste, he has made some contributions at least.

  7. He did lower my taxes, well, my income taxes, anyway.  Of course my local sales taxes and property taxes have gone up to compensate for the reduced federal services, and of course the ridiculous increase in property value more than doubled my property taxes negated any income tax cut I got.  When you consider that all the national debt he's caused will eventually have to be paid for by a tax increase, I guess you could say he raised my taxes in reality, so I guess he's done nothing for me at all.

    Oh wait, my wife is a federal government employee and he cut her pay, and since gas and many other things are quite a bit more expensive now than when he took office and my family income has been stagnant, my standard of living has actually gone down.

    well never mind

  8. although many workers pay Union dues, they are not living in a full-blowed out communist country--yet; whether Bush actively participated one way or another in realizing this situation I don't know

  9. He saved us from not only Al Gore...but also John Kerry!!

  10. Okay to be fair, the mortgage problems are from those idiots that were speculating in the real estate market, and buying more house than they could reasonably afford, only hoping for the market to go up so they could dump the house and make a quick buck.  

    Gas prices are the oil company's fault.  If the price had not been kept artificially low for so long it would be right where it is now.  The oil companies needed to keep cheap gas in order to stymie the alternative energies, and to promote what they could keep under their roofs.  

    Percentage wise illegal immigrants have always been a problem, are they a burden, well, yes.  Are they going to stop?  Well, no.  We have an addiction to  cheap labor, they have need.

    I am an American worker, retired disabled soldier, and born citizen of the USA.  I also believe that I am not better off than I was 20 years ago,  I remember the sky high prime interest rates of better than 18%.  

    So, are we better off?  No,  we are in a quagmire war, not unlike vietnam, we have the same basic problems as we had then,  inflation, unemployment, increasing national debt.  We are sinking down a slide and it is only getting steeper.  So i would have to say NO we are not better off.

  11. we get to eat Chinese every night cause they own us now? [and sarcasm is my thing]

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