
HOw is this possible????

by  |  earlier

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a' right, im 15 i was in a party 2 days ago there was a girl i liked. After ten minutes she came up to me and asked me to dance, then we went to a room and we did everything we could lol (EXCEPT s*x).

She is in my school, yesterday when i went to her and said hello to her SHE SAID SHE DOESNT KNOW ME AND SHE JUST WALKED AWAY.

How the P***k is this possible??

i dont think she was drunk or anything....





  1. You seem to have posted your question in the wrong section!

  2. That's exactly what you have to expect from any typical girl of that age! She must have found a better case than you the next day!

  3. that's just a girl being stupid. She obviously was feeling a bit hyper at the party and wanted a bit of fun. Maybe shes pretending she doesnt know you because she wants to forget what she did.  

  4. Now you know how it feels when guys do it to girls.

  5. no relation to Language section

    write it in Relations

  6. thats ****** up. if ur sure she wasnt drunk then shes defenitly faking it. maybe its like that one movie john tucker must die. and shes trying to make it seem like shes not enterested in you so that youll chase after her. see what hapens that the next party. lol maybe you should video tape or somthin so next time u have proof that she knows you =P

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