
HOw long does it take for a childs tooth to fall out onc eyou notice they are loose.?

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My son is about to be 7 and just now has his first two loose teeth. Its the two at the bottom.

Will they fall out on their own or do I have to pull them eventually.




  1. They will come out on their own.  Give him apples and things like it to help out and he can wiggle them with his tounge to keep loosening them up more.  If the gums around them start to get red and swollen then you might have to call in a dentist.  I know my son will say it is loose one day and the next he will hand me a bloody tooth to put under the pillow for the tooth fairy.

  2. it takes about a week or two to fall out.

  3. I would say like 4 days possibly

  4. They'll fall out on their own.  However, it does take a long time for this to happen.  If they haven't fallen out in 3 or 4 months from when you first notice, you may want to check them to see if they're really loose and then only pull them out if they're barely hanging in there.  Use dental floss.  Otherwise let nature take its course.

  5. Depends, I hated wiggling so it took 6 months-2 years for mine.

  6. They will come out on their own in their own time

  7. There are alot of determining factors in how long it will take for the tooth to fall out.

    I've had my daughters fall out anywhere from a couple days to a couple of weeks.  Heck, once I had to bring her to the dentist to get extracted.

    Don't worry too much mom, it'll happen when it's ready.

  8. My son had a loose tooth that took 6 months to go from noticing it was loose to out.  He was 6 weeks past his 7th birthday when it did.  His second tooth he lost didn't take quite that long, but almost.

    And I know it was exactly 6 months because the dentist noticed it at a routine visit, and it wasn't until the day before his next 6 mo. visit that he lost it.

    And he was really funny about me pulling it, so I gave him an apple to eat and it came right out - but it was so loose by that point that it was almost hanging sideways.

    Now - his best friend, he notices a tooth is loose, and i swear it falls out only a day or two later.  He's younger than my son by a few months and has already lost 6 teeth.

    So it really depends on the kid.

  9. There really isn't a set time..

    They can take forever once they've gotten loose or fall out 5 minutes later.

    What really makes the difference is how much you fool around with the tooth. For example if you keep playing with it with your tounge or bite into an apple it is more likely to fall out.

    but it's really just common sense.

  10. a week or 2....

    u can just pull them down by the old fashion way.... get a string and tie them around the teeth and the doornob..... then put it under the pillow~~ tooth faries~~ coins~~

  11. just keep on moving it and it will come out in less than 4 days

  12. let them fall out by themself. and make sure that you dont pull them out at the same time because the tooth needs a guide to no when to go so if they are both taken out they could end up crooked.HOPE IT GOES WELL!

  13. depends on how often he wiggles them.

  14. Well it depends on how much he wiggles it. If it hurts too much for him to wiggle it just wait a while until he feels comfortable with it. My mom pulled my first teeth. In fact she pulled 8 of them. Anyway good luck!

  15. Maybe a week? They'll come out on their own...but they'll look gross in the process. My Dad used to pull them out because he just couldn't stand how they looked bending all over the place.

  16. They will fall out on their own.  I used to make my kids brush their teeth more frequently when a tooth was loose.

  17. a couple weeks,  pulling them out depends on how much fuss he kicks up about them because they bleed slighty occcasionaly while there coming out on there own

  18. Have him eat an apple once it gets pretty loose.

  19. A good pair of vice grips will get them babies right out!

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