
HOw many Jordan almonds do i get for our wedding?????

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My fiance is trying to figure out how many pounds of jordan almonds to order online to fill 160 4X8 favor bags. Any idea how to calc this? How many almonds per bag? thanks.




  1. There are about 113 almonds per pound of Jordan Almonds. I would definitely not try and fill the bag completely, as a 4x8 bag is pretty big.  20 lbs of almonds would give you about 14 almonds per bag.  Jordan almonds are about the same size as regular almonds, just slightly larger because of the coating, if you want a visual reference.  Or, any wedding section of a craft store will sell small bags of almonds.

    Here's a little info about Jordan Almonds:

    Fresh almonds have a bittersweet taste, which represents life. The sugarcoating is added with the hope that the newlyweds' life will be more sweet than bitter.

    ITALIAN WEDDINGS Five almonds signify five wishes for the bride and groom: health, wealth, happiness, fertility, and longevity. These almonds decorate each place setting as favors, tucked into pretty boxes or tulle bags called *bomboniere* that are often personalized with the couple's names and wedding date.

    GREEK WEDDINGS Sugarcoated almonds in traditional Greek weddings are called *koufeta*. They are placed in little bags in odd numbers and are served on a silver tray. Odd numbers are indivisible, symbolizing how the newlyweds will share everything and remain undivided. Tradition holds that if an unmarried woman puts the almonds under her pillow, she'll dream of her future husband.

    MIDDLE EASTERN WEDDINGS Candy-covered almonds, considered aphrodisiacs, are always on hand (have too many and you may leave the reception early!).

    A SWEET IDEA Jordan Almonds make great wedding favors -- wrap a cluster in tulle tied with ribbon, pack a few in boxes (made of sugar, straw, paper, metal, or plastic), stuff some in decorative bags, or pour a handful into champagne glasses or glass bowls. Attach a little card with a note explaining the almonds' meaning (so guests know they're not just an intermezzo between the salad and the filet mignon). Consider using this Jordan Almonds poem:

    Jordan Almonds for Thee

    Five sugared almonds for each guest to eat

    To remind us that life is both bitter and sweet.

    Five wishes for the new husband and wife --

    Health, wealth, happiness, children, and a long life!

    Tradition suggests using five Jordan Almonds for each guest. One to signify health, one for wealth, one for longevity, one for fertility and one for happiness.

  2. You can buy Jordan Almonds online.  I don't know how many you would need per bags, but usually favours only include a few, like under 10.  The bags don't need to be stuffed.

    My advice would be to buy a small bag of Jordan Almonds at the grocery store or bulk food store and do a couple test favours to see what you think looks best.

    Here are some sites to buy bulk JAs from:

    in any colour you want:

    you'll have to scroll down a bit:

  3. Make sure to overcompensate. You don't want to chance running out. If you have some left over you can put them in a bowl on the food table let people take from them. I would account for about 20 per bag!

  4. ok i think the easist way to figure it out is how many you are going to put in each tulle bag thing.then figure how many favors you will have and then just multiply it.i dont know how you are going to use them but in my culture (italian) we put a few of them in a few pieces of tulle and tie them with a ribbon that usually says the bride and grooms name and date and then put them on top of the favor.

  5. You should only put in 5 almonds per bag. Thats tradition. Anywayz, we're fill about 200 bags w/3lbs of almonds. Depending on the place, they'll say ABOUT how many almonds per pound and then you can estimate from there.

  6. I got mints and filled my favor bags as my favors too (in december)... I went and got a few of my favor bags, the mints, and filled them to where I thought was appropriate. I measured in a measuring cup the amount of mints it took to fill up one bag...and then I did the math, based on pounds and whatnot, and figured out how many bags I needed- and then, just to make sure, I went and got 2 extra bags... if by chance my bridal party eats a few while putting them together (haha)... so if you're ordering favor bags offline, order them early, order a few of the jordan almonds early- what you think you'll at least need... (let's say, 15 bags) and figure out how they fill up the favor bags- and when you go to order the rest of your favor bags, order however many bags you need. If you're affraid of them melting or whatever, just put the favor bags in a cool basement....or in a fridge... mine are done and my wedding isn't until december. I put them in zip lock containers and they should be fine.... :)

    I hope this helps!

    Good Luck!

  7. You don't fill the bags. You give each person 5 almonds.  

    They represent:  health, wealth, happiness, children, and a long life.

    Usually you wrap them in small bits of bridal tulle and tie with a ribbon. Like this

    or this

    or this

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