
HOw safe would VW bus be if it had roll cage, 5 piece seatbelt, ABS brakes. Also mabey spare tire.

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Would you be safe in a front end crash with all of that safety stuff




  1. You are determined to get the bus on the road........

    Pretty safe with the roll cage and the 5-point seatbelt but again it will cost too much to have abs brakes put on it, remember liability for the shop that works on it...

  2. It would only be as safe as the DRIVER.


  3. Probably really safe but with all that added weight the wheezy 60 hp VW motor would barely have enough strength to push it over 40 mph -- which would make it VERY safe!

  4. forget the roll cage in a front end crash the rollcage is for  u going of into a  ditch  and you roll so the roof wont crush you and your passagers like tuna fish. a spair tire wont help you in front end crash, and very safe 5 pice seatbelt and abs will :o) but have your 5 piece seatbelt installed by a professonal only so you wont get blamed for accdental death and that professonal will sit down will you tell you all the risks  

  5. Now this is more like it; ditch the ABS plot unless you're Bill Gates. Why are trying to make this bus so expensive? Leave the **** alone. Get in and ride. You need to concentrate more on the vehicles running gear and mechanicals and stop trying to spend so much money on the poopie.

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