
HOw should you act on a first date (in like 6 1/2 years)?

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HOw should you act on a first date (in like 6 1/2 years)?




  1. lol like its not your first date in like 6 1/2 years. I'm guessing you may be recently divorced? well tell him that and be straight forward tell him you haven't dated in  awhile. But don't be so nervous, nothings really changed that much and be yourself, your not going to have fun if your nervous the entire night. While it may seem never-racking at firs, it will be fine you just have to relax and not look at it like your first date in about 7 years and just have fun. Your not alone tons of people are on the same boat as you. It will be fine.

  2. Demand s*x immediately...

  3. 6.5 years is a long time to think about it.

  4. Just be yourself.  If you act or pretend and they end up liking you, he or she is not seeing the real you.  That person should find you intriguing just the way you are.  Good luck on your date.

  5. Wonderful - congratulations on your first date!

    How to act? Like yourself! Relax and have fun and be you -- if the relationship is destined to go anywhere, he will have to fall in love with you, and that can only happen if you really act like yourself!

    Talk about what's important to you & in your life, ask him what's important in his. And don't be afraid to let go a little, have fun!

    One bit of advice, though - try not to act like too much is riding on this first date, neither of you need that pressure. Believe that if it's meant to go well, it will... and if it's not, better to find out now.

    Have fun!!!

  6. Honestly, if it was my first date back after a divorce (I'm assuming that's your situation) I'd try to pick a guy I didn't care that much about so I could make the fool out of myself I'm sure I would make and make sure he wouldn't remotely want to have s*x with me. But you, I'm sure, will be fine!

    (If it's not a divorce, but just a real dry spell--oh man, good luck!)

    Either way, have fun!

  7. Hi: That is the coolest question. I think enjoying yourself

    and not overthinking is the way to go.         Ken

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