
HOw to get the most out of your internet connection?

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i pay 39 dollars for a 100 mbps internet connection. i tested speed in a lot of websites and the most i have gotten is 2 mbps Why? Is there another thing like not internet explorer but another program that uses more internet connection? What do i do to get the most out of my internet connection. Pleas a lot of detail the more the more likely you will get best anwer.




  1. Firefox is better than internet explorer (safer, faster, better). But what you are paying for is not 100mbps. your network is 100mbps, but the internet you are buying is likely DSL at that speed, and that is not terrible for DSL. If you are buying FIOS, then maybe you have a problem, but it will still not be 100mbps.

  2. If you're behind a router, hovering the cursor over the network icon doesn't show you your internet speed, but the network speed. Most home networks transfer data at 100mbps, and as far as I know that speed is not available for regular internet access. To find out what speed your internet is visit:

  3. Are you using wireless internet?  (edit your question and I will edit my answer)

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