
HP fans are like pete doherty... why? have a look here?

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I knew it :O HP fans get to rehab

HP fan





  1. With a reason!!!

    Instead of being addicted to Twilight , the crappiest book ever....;]


  2. Well rehab is my destiny then cause im gonna be hooked on hp for quite some time = ]

  3. "Addiction to a drug is no different to an addiction to Harry Potter."


    Maybe I should see someone...

    Because, you know, Harry Potter is such a 'bad' thing in which to be addicted... xD

  4. Addiction to Harry Potter. Pshh, i can stop any time i want. I'll stop right now,(i'm reading the book while i'm answering questions!)

    Oh no...I can't stop. I'll check into rehab, i have a problem and i need help. (LOL)

    Yeah right, it's not bad. And if addiction to HP is bad, well then, i guess i'll just have to live a life of crime cuz i'm hooked! LOL:)

  5. I'm off to rehab then.

    i cant help but love it:)

  6. Oh, well at least being addicted to Harry Potter, in which I can safely say one of the greatest series I have ever read is a good thing. Harry Potter addict and proud!

    PS~ my rehab kicked me out, I turned other attenders into a much worse Harry Potter addicts as well.

  7. They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no, no, no yes I been black but now HP's back I won't go, go, go.

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