
HP questions? : )?

by Guest31617  |  earlier

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1- What do think they did with Voldemort's body?

2- Do you have to pay an entry fee to go to Hogwarts?

Well, here's the first Harry Potter question to answer in our new HP section... I kind of feel honored to be the one asking this question....

*Are you a fan of Ron? If so, add me as a contact. I'm happy to talk about him anytime.*




  1. 1. Haha- well, in ym time here at Yahoo, I have given a variety of response to this debated question, and now, the truth;

    Voldemort is in my wardrobe, surronded by a shrine made by me- think Helga (in Hey Arnold) type of shrine! hehe- you are very welcome to visit it ;)

    2. I have always wondered this- but I don't think so, I think it must be free, because nobody ever mentions getting money out of Harry's vault for Hogwart's fees-only school equipment- and look at the Weasleys- because of stupid Malfoy, Arthur has being kept at a fairly low paying position- and with 7 children, how could they afford ot pay all the fees? So, I think Hogwarts is a public school.

    Haha! Yes, it would be a great honour ;)

    Long Live Harry Potter and the Nakhon Pathom section! (that should be the next book tittle, if it ever gets written).


    Oh yes, I am a fan of Ron!

  2. First Ron is the one telling him he's a parselmouth.  Second here are my answers:

    1- They probably buried him with his father even though he hated him.  because what are they supposed to do?  although probably nobody came except the person burying him and a few death eaters.

    2- I think so...  Although Jo never said anything about it I think you did.  How else would they make money?  From taxes from the Ministry but they need more then that...  I don't think we ever heard of it because the only characters that she wrote about their getting ready for Hogwarts couldn't afford it so Hogwarts paid it for them

    What are your answers?  =)

  3. 1.i think they most likely burnt it.

    2. I dont think so....

    3. YES! you are already one of my contacts =)

    4. Ron Weasley!

  4. I'm going to go along with everyone else and say that his body was burned, only because i don't think they'd wanna keep it hanging around.

    2. You probably just have to pay for the school supplies, robes, etc. Good Q though

    3. YES YES YES!

    Ron is my favorite character! I absolutely LOVE him!!!


    ad you're already on my list!

    4. Its me I'd know!! hahaha! =D

  5. 1. Stomped all over it in a surge of joy.

    2. I think you pay tuition, but not entrance fee.

    I AM SUCH A FAN OF RON!!!!!!! He's my favorite Weasley, possibly my favorite character, and I love Ron/Hermione!

  6. 1. Probably burned it....

    2. I never thought about it before but I guess not.

    Yes!!!! I am the biggest Ron fan ever!!!! (No offense to other Ron fans intended) He is so awesome and I love him to death..... he (along with Lupin and Cedric of course =]) is my favorite character.

  7. 1) Burnt it.... I would have xD

    2) I don't think so... it's not a private school... if it was, not most of english wizard would go there...

    3) he's not my favourite, but I like him ^^


  8. 1. I think they buried Voldemort's body in the Gaunt Shack... with a lovely epitaph that read at the end "Love is Might"

    2. I don't think so... I don't have any prove of it but I truly don't think so

    Yes, I like Ron, love his honest sense of humour, and I love when he tries to speak when he's eating xD

  9. 1. burnt it a suppose

    2. naw, Harry would have never gone if he had to pay!

    Ron said that quote! (reading chamber of secrets at the mo!)

  10. 1)I think the just through it into the lake or burned

    2)No. I think it's a free school

    3)I am a fan of Ron!!!!!!

    4)Ron says that linE

    p.s. I'll add you!


  11. 1. i think they burned it or suttin,, maybe the elves took care of it idk....did they use magic 2 like poof it away? lol

    2. i dont think sooo

    3. i am a fan of ron

    4. its ron! lol

  12. 1- Probably they disposed of it the proper way, maybe they

    embalmed the corpse and kept it in a wizard museum ??.

    2- No, I think it's free.

    You are in my contact list.. :)

    And Ron was telling Harry that.


  13. 1~~>I'd imagine they would burn Voldemort's body before placing him beneath the ground. You never know, he could be "playing extreme dead" and have underground breathing abilities. :O But I couldn't see Voldemort sinking -that- low.

    2~~>I sort of doubt there is a fee to get in to Hogwarts.

    Ron es mi abuelo. ;D

  14. 1. Creamated him to make sure he couldn't come back

    2. Most likely wish J.K. would have said one way or the other in the books.

    3. Ron in both the book and movie.

    And yes I think Ron is totally cool.

  15. Hiii!!

    Well.. I answer..n_n

    1- About Voldemort's body, I think that wizards may have done a lot of tests just to be sure he was truly death. They wouldn't risk themselves to a third war, don't you think?..

    Afterthat, may be Voldemort's body was burried. But I think that the best thing to do is to burn it in a proper way.. (is that well said?)..  A grave could be a painful to many people because of all the bad things he's done and I think that not even the remain Death Eaters would have the courage to visit him.

    2- Mmm.. Good question!! But I think that there isn't an entry fee to be paid to study at Hogwarts. However, students have to buy a lot of stuff to atend classes so it's not completely free.. xD!

    See you around here!!

    PD: Sorry for the spelling mistakes.. xD

  16. 1) Burning was a good idea - certainly, they would be concerned about a repeat "resurrection".  However, this seems insufficient to eradicate all trace.  I would vote for making the body "vanish".

    2) Entry fee - it doesn't appear so from the books, but Hogwarts **is** a British "public school", which corresponds almost exactly with a "private school" here in the U.S.  There is a **tuition** (as opposed to an entry fee) to such schools.  I believe the first book says explicitly that fees are waved for those families too poor to afford them (when Vernon insists that he is not going to pay for such an education).  There are still the required supplies, and even these (we see in the case of Voldy) are paid for by the school in cases of true poverty.  What is odd - it might even be a "conceptual error" - is that HP does not seem to pay any tuition, despite his relatively wealthy condition.

    3) Ron - he's OK.


    ⌘ ⌘

  17. 1. I agree with most of the other HP fans above me. I think they burned his body. He deserved it. And they probably tossed his ashes into a toilet or something.

    2. I don't think so. The students only have to pay for their school supplies. I doubt that there'd be such things as school fees at Hogwarts.


  18. 1.)I would guess they burned him.

    2.)Im not really sure. I have wondered but my guess is no.

    You are already added = ]

  19. 1) IT probably vanished in midair. At least that's what I thought when I read the last book and last chapter.

    2) No, of course not, silly :P. Lol. It's free :)

    You should feel honored :) Hahah :)

    And I love Ron :)

  20. 1 - What do think they did with Voldemort's body?

    - Chopped it up and the house elves made Hummus with it.

    2- Do you have to pay an entry fee to go to Hogwarts?

    - Yes, Dumby has to make a "home visit" to make sure you "physically healthy" enough to go

    *Are you a fan of Ron? If so, add me as a contact. I'm happy to talk about him anytime.*

    Yeah i like Ron

    To answer that book question - Hermione "Bud Light" Granger

  21. i think his nose is weird


    yes i am

  22. I think that they tossed it in the lake for the giant squid.

    No, you don't. They never mentioned one in the books. I think that the Professors' salaries come from donations.

    Ron told Harry he's a parselmouth.

  23. Haha good questions! btw i added you, because im who ron marries!

  24. 1. hmmm...they probably had some powerful wizards destroy it, ignite it perhaps?

    2. no, I don't think so

    3.YAY! I LOVE RON!!!

    4.RON! (yay Ron!)

  25. 1- buried it..i suppose so.

    2- hmm, nothing about an entry fee is mentioned. if there was an entry fee then i think it might have been stated in the letter itself. i think its a free magical institution :)

    3- definitely. love ron. added you ;D

    4- ron?

  26. 1. Good question. I think everyone probably tortured it for a while and then burned it.

    2. Yes!

    3. Ron

    Why is this in the Thailand section?
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