
HPV dangerous strain for Cervical cancer, how long is it transmittable for before immune system clear it up?

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Example, Jade Goody has HPV dangerous strain for cervical cancer. If a person with this slept with men who then slept with lots of women, the disease would pass on and create more cervical cancers in wider population due to HPV passing on mutating the cervical cells. Is this correct and if it is, isn't this very worrying? Does the immune system clear it after a few years on its own in a man without it passing on? I have heard different things.




  1. I must be old or something. Who is Jade Goody???

    HPV is alarmingly common. about 70 to 80% of all adults have come into contact with it at some point. That means if you have had more than 1 sexual partner, you've probably been in contact with HPV already. Most people clear the infection naturally with their immune systems.If you clear the infection, you won't be contagious. But many do not clear it (or spread the virus before they clear it), and they wind up with genital warts and cervical cancers (or anorectal cancer or oral cancer). HPV spreads by direct skin contact. No penetration or fluids necessary. The virus sheds from skin and mucous membranes.

    If you are female and under the age of 27, you can be vaccinated with Gardasil. It protects against 4 strains of HPV that account for 70% of all cervical cancers and 90% of genital warts. It's best to get it early, though, BEFORE you have and any kind of sexual contact. But even if you have been with a few people, you can still get some protection from some strains. You still need to get regular Pap smears even if you have been vaccinated.

  2. I have hpv thanks to my S****y ex hubby. One of the reason why I was so worried about my existing female problems im having.  My mom  at age 20 had stage 3 dysplasia and giving birth to me cleared it up. I know cervical cancer is very unlikely being how young i am but my great grandmother died at age 34 from it. Im sorry i cant answer your question but just thought I would share this. HPV can really cause alot of problems for females. I stayed sick down there when I was with my ex. The bumps or warts you get from hpv I kept them and stupid me didnt want to think anything of it. I was in lala land but anyways sorry couldnt give you an answer. What is weird though is now that im  with a man that doesnt have hpv I no longer have the itchy bumps down there its like the carrier makes it worse and now its cleared up.

  3. `immune sysem may or may not clear it up best to get pap smears every 6 months, and stay s*x free go on net and look up hpv and it will tell u more

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