
HR dept and recruitment?

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should hr dept have the authority to recruit or should the supervisors be given the authority to recruit.... plz give ur reason tooo....thanks to all who answer




  1. HR should do it, otherwise what is the point of having HR. Supervisors should have some input though as they have to work with people day to day.

  2. People who apply for the job can use the supervisor's name in the reference area of the application.  If the supervisor is in good standing they can call the HR director and say that so-n-so is their neighbor, former schoolmate, relative, etc. and say you can provide a good reference for them.  Sometimes this works, sometimes it backfires (depending on how well liked that supervisor is).  But, the HR Dept has the authirity to recruit.  Usually the HR Dept reviews the application and does the check on the individual and then they are interviewed by the person they will work under as well (in some cases) as meeting the department head and sometimes meet the workers they will work with.  This isn't always the case though, but each gets the opportunity (the worker and the officers) to determine if it's a good mix.

  3. That question is actually a challenge to a decision that originates from the very top.  It's a corporate prerogative to decide the means of finding and hiring employees.  If an HR department is created, then that's their job.  If supervisors are authorized to share that task, the corporate 'head' makes that decision.  It's really not a matter of fair or not fair.  It's a management decision.  Strictly that.  If one is ad odds with what they perceive as unfair hiring practice, then it might be best to discreetly investigate whether your upper management 'generally' tolerates supervisory discretion in these matters too, and particular...upper management allows that one particular supervisor to do that.  And if you believe upper management would not support the supervisor, it becomes quite a touch matter in regards to bringing this all to their attention without creating troubles for yourself along the way.

  4. HR does the recruiting, based on the funds available and the needs of the organization.  There should be a good relationship among all department heads to foster a team effort.  A good business is the sum of all of its parts.

  5. I believe that the recruiter should screen the candidates for the supervisors, and the final word on whether or not the person is right for the job should be the decision of the supervisor.  After all the candidate will be working directly for the the management team not the HR Dept.

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