
HTML Image ABSOLUTE Position??

by  |  earlier

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so I want to position an image on my webpage, and create a rollover for it.

My only question is, when i position the image using the ABSOLUTE, will this be the same for all users on all monitor sizes and web browsers?

for example, if i postition the image dead in the middle of a circle, could it wander outside that circel for some users and look weird?

or is it the same for all ppl?





  1. Yes, it will be different for most.

    1. If the have a bigger monitor

    2. If they have a wide screen

    3. if their screen resolution is different

    4. if they have a different browser.

    The alternate is margins, if you have any questions on how one of the above affect it, or how to use margins, email me.

  2. Is the circle positioned the same way?  If it is it shouldn't move but change the resolution on your system to test it.

    I use tables and css to position everything.

  3. i believe it will stay the same for everyone else too

    though there is a chance if someone is using a different browser it may look different.

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