
HTML! Making web images smaller and they become bigger when dragged to address bar

by  |  earlier

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How do you make the images small in your webpage and bigger when you drage it to the address bar?

HTML please?




  1. <img src="path/to/file.jpg" height="100" width="100">

    (Change the 100 to whatever size you want it to be, in pixels)

    If you wanted to make it a link, then just use the IMG tag inside of an <a href> tag, then when the person clicks on the small picture it makes it the regular size.

  2. You must set sizes for images used on your web page otherwise they will be the original size of the image.  This should be done even if you want the original size for the image.


    <p><img style="width: XXpx; height: YYpx; border: 0;" src="URL to image" alt="Text Description" title="Mouseover Description"></p>

    That will give you the ability to resize your image and yet have it show normal size when you drag it to the address bar.


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