
HTML code question? need help.?

by  |  earlier

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Im trying to make a logo and i made it now it gives me this code that say i can view it on a webpage however i suck at this can someone post this on somthing so i can view it please. <img src="

<a href=" src=" alt="small business home business" border="0"/></a>




  1. There are lots of ways, most of them involving CSS. You need to study. One is called SIFR (image replacement). You define a banner &lt;div&gt; then, within it, you place some text (for your, say, company name on each page, then link that company name to your home page, then make the background-image for that link, the logo. Hence something like

    #banner { display: block; width: 760px; height: 120px; position: relative; }

    a#branding { margin-left: -999em; padding-top: 120px; padding-right: 120px; position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 10px; background-image: url(&#039;mylogo.jpg&#039;); }

    then the html:

    &lt;div id=&quot;banner&quot;&gt;

    &lt;a href=&quot;home.htm&quot; id=&quot;branding&quot;&gt;My Company&lt;/a&gt; Welcome


    I may be wrong with some measurements ... I&#039;m typing from memory. But maybe you get the gist. Move the text of the link offscreen and leave the image of your logo onscreen.

  2. (Presuming that you have the image uploaded to your server)

    Go to the code where you want to put the image.


    &lt;img src=&quot;;

    note change &quot;domainname&quot;, &quot;.com&quot; and &quot;imagepath&quot; as requires

    To Change the different properties then Type

    height=&quot;10px&quot;    //To change height

    width=&quot;10px&quot;    //To change width

    alt=&quot;My Logo&quot;    //To add text in place of logo if the browser is rejecting images it also acts as the name of the image when the mouse is scrolled over it.

    //There are others too many to type here but can be found easily with a google search

    And don&#039;t for get to finish with: /&gt;

  3. It&#039;s impossible to do because the code has been broken up by Yahoo because the sections have too many characters.  It&#039;s best to put spaces in before and after = signs and anywhere else necessary.  You can mention where the spaces aren&#039;t meant to be although most people with at least a basic grasp of html will realise anyway.

    One of those links that has src just in front of it will be where the image is.  Copy and paste everything that&#039;s between the &quot; &quot; and paste it into the address bar of your web brower.  Then copy the picture down to your computer using your mouse to right click and choose Save as...

    If you want a web page on your computer where you can look at the logo, put the picture in a folder and then copy everything from &lt;html&gt; to &lt;/html&gt; into NotePad and save it as thelogo.html in the same folder as the logo.



    &lt;title&gt;My logo&lt;/title&gt;



    &lt;img src=&quot;thepicturename.jpg&quot;&gt;



    Put the picture name and 3 letter extension in place of thepicturename.jpg

  4. If you are going to link to your image on Yahoo!Answers, do not use html tags.  Just copy/paste the URL directly into your question.

    Viewing it on YOUR webpage requires you to upload the image to a folder where your site is hosted. Then the code you use is similar to what you tried to post in question:

    &lt;p&gt;&lt;img style=&quot;width: XXpx; height: YYpx; src=&quot;Image Path Here&quot; alt=&quot;Text Description&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

    Replace &lt;p&gt; tags with a style div if you want.

    If you want your logo as a header image at the top of your web page, then put this between the head tags or remove style tags and put on a CSS file:

    &lt;style type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;

    div#logo {

    width: XXpx;

    height: YYpx;

    margin: 0 auto;

    background: #fff url(logo.png) no-repeat center scroll;



    Then after opening &lt;body&gt; tag:

    &lt;div id=&quot;logo&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;


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