
HTML upload help please!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hye i have my html file ready to go and i would like to upload it to the internet. If someone could make a very detailed step by step process of how to upload an html. Preferabbly i would like a free domain. Please include good sites to use for uploading and stuff. And is there anything i need to add to my html. I just started it off with <html>


Ok thanks. Please give me something very detailed and ill make it the answer. Please respond FAST. I have to have this uploaded tonight for my computers course final tommorow.

Thanks in advance :)




  1. The easiest way for you to set up a website is to use a freeserver like Geocities and Freewebs. They have their own built in file transfer system, as do most freeservers so its&#039; realyl hassle free and straight forward to upload stuff into your site. Your mainpage should be named &quot;index.html&quot; so when you go to your site ( that page will be your main page.)

    If you want a domain name (com/net/org/etc), you&#039;re going to have to pay for one.

    Uploading to a domain is a little more difficult if you have never using a FTP program before. A FTP program is a program where you transfer your files from your computer to your domain. And yes, you can get one for free.

    Here is the usual process:

    1. You buy your domain/hosting. If you buy it from the same company, you just have to wait a day or two until it &quot;connects.&quot; If you get them from two separate companies, you would have to change the nameservers yourself. Your hosting company will provide them for you.

    2. Your hosting company will provde you with your login information. There are two places where you have to login in. Your FTP program to transfer your files and your Cpanel or something similiar.

    3. When you login in to your ftp program to transfer files, you will see two windows. The left is a directory of files from your computer. The right is a director of files from your domain.

    4. In order to upload stuff to your domain, click on &quot;public_html.&quot; and you&#039;re ready to upload your files.

    5. Again, name your mainpage index.html...

    6. And voila...

    It really does sound like a freeserver is best for you. I would NEVER reccommend a beginning web designer to have a domain, even if they can get it for free.

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