
HUD gift letter requirements

by Guest467  |  earlier

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We are trying to buy a house. Lender says that since I will be amending tax returns before closing and there will be a debt to the IRS of 7000, they want it paid in advance through a gift from parents. My stepdad agreed to do this gift, transferred the money from his line of credit into his checking, and the lender is saying that HE has to give me the money from his savings, investments, or home equity. He is willing to give the money, but the way he wants to do it is this line of credit that he's had and used off an on for the last 25 years when he has a large expense. Why does this matter where the money that I am being gifted comes from?




  1.  Good day,

    We offer a variety of loans to individuals (personal loan) and cooperate bodies at an interest rate of 3% per annul.This is to help you meet your financial obligations, especially with the ongoing global financial crisis. You can borrow from 5000 to 10,000,000 (pounds, euros or dollars) For further inquiries, please contact us via e-mail ( Regards. hope to hear from you soonest

    God Bless You.

    Mr Martins Cole


  2. Greetings,
    Al-Futtaim Investment Management Board invite you to be part and
    benefit in Her Loan and Project Funding program. This is an improved
    and efficient way of obtaining non-secured loan and funding for
    various projects without the normal rigorous processes. This funding
    package is designed to allow the client a period of 5-7 years for re-payment,
    back with a low interest rate of 4.5% per annum.
    May you avail yourself of this opportunity and obtain transaction loan
    up to $500,000,000.00 or more. We are interested in having a good
    business collaboration with you, if you think you have a solid
    background and idea of making good profit in any business sector,
    please write me for possible business co-operation.
    Chairman/Ceo (AL-FUTTAIM GROUP)

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