
HUGE red spot on face.?

by  |  earlier

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This is the hugest thing I have seen in my life. Its BRIGHT red and the redness spreads about 1cm around the spot. Before it had a giant white head on it, but of course it got knocked off. God, this is discusting. How can I make the redness and swelling go down by tomorrow?!? HELP!? :( I HATE MY LIFE!!




  1. i know you'll be tempted to cover it with make-up, but that will only make  it worse. get a very strong liquid face cleaner, clearasil makes one that works great when you need to get rid of something quick. i'm not sure what its called but its just a clear bottle with transparent blue liquid, not cream & it has a very strong smell. it works great, for everyday care i recommend noxema. good luck!

  2. it's called a zit. jeez. get some acne wash at the drugstore.  

  3. Eye drops worked for me

    if not some sort of antibiotic

  4. You have to bite it off

  5. WOW u need some help in a way,ppl deal with worse stuff so dont say ''i hate my life'' in capitals !!

    well,if the head is white then squeeze it,have some clean alcohol ready by ur side STRAIGHT away !! put it on the red spot (once its squeezed and keep it there for about 3mins)

    if u dont do it straight away then the body naturally will make an anti-body solution that gives a little tiny cell thick wall and it will protect the spot(not good for you)

    so then after(by the way ur skin might hurt a lil while u just put the alcohol on but that shows its getting rid of the bacteria)

    so but honey on ur spot,thats right honey

    sounds ODD,but i have been ding that for the past 2 days and my skin is shiny again finally

    well ok thats enough

    just follow those steps and u will b fine,u can also put make up on it OIL FREE !! but try not too,bcoz it takes the healing process longer


  6. Just because you have one pimple, you shouldn't hate your life. I bet you are perfect. Gosh, we all get acne. Calm down!!!

  7. Stop being dramatic. It's acne.

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