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Did you know that a species of dolphin recently became extinct cause of humans?! I am just soo upset at this!!! I'm FURIOUS AT MYSELF AND ALL THE PEOPLE THAT CAUSED THIS! That species is never gonna swim in this earth again! Our children,grandchildren,and their children will never get to see these beautiful animals.iMAGINE HOW AFWUL IT WOULD BE IF THERE WAS NO MORE BLUE WHALES SWIMING THE BLUE DEEP OCEANS,OR NO CHEETAH RUNNING THROUGHT THE AFRICAN PLAINS...just HORRIBLE. can the general public or teens help prevent animals from going extinct and help the ones that are threathened.





  1. OMG!! no waaayy!!......are u sure i just cant belive this!!! shocked ....i....ok  umm...wat species was it???...i really have to know.....stupid humans.......ok...if u want to do sometin about it ....u could go on riots(peaceful ones not the pnes that wud get u in jail)....u cud tell for freinds and family to raise awareness ....u cud join ''greenpeace'' i helped save whales der......just go 2..'''' and be a member u cud also donnate.........or organise a fund raiseing canteen or sumtin like that .....and u cud send the money to the save the dolphins fund or sumtin like dat.....dis is horrible news.....c**p...da rest of the day will be so crapy now....

  2. the easy answer is not to spend money on things that have a direct impact on the environment... this statement actually leads to the very uncomfortable revelation  that everything we buy has natures blood on it. Now i aint gonna say that you have to stop spending money to save the animals but what you can do is make a commitment to yourself... an oath, if you like that you will try very hard to buy second hand stuff only. If people were not so obsessed with buying new ALL the time then business would have to produce a lot less and the environment (and its animals) might have a better chance of adapting.

  3. We need to do something to make Humans go extinct!

    That really is in essence what you had in mind, right?

  4. I know how you feel but the news is bad


    Of the earth's estimated 10 million species, 300,000 have vanished in the past 50 years. each years, 3,000 to 30,000 species become extinct.

    A lot of human activity is speeding that up since we tend to overpower all the other species in one way or another.

    Some reasons why animals are being wiped out ,in the forests are:

    The hunting of exotic species for the consumer market

    only about 10% of the animals caught survive

    The hunting of animals for food by settlers

    Forrest fires ,that have started because of slash and burning of forest ,to clear the land for farming, had gotten out of control

    The loss of Habitat because the conditions have changed ,e.g less humidity because of surrounding farmlands ,or over pumping of rivers for human use(farming and utility)

    Because of contamination of the waters ,

    Expanding populations and expanding farming ,that has to keep pace with the expanding populations are very strong forces that encroach upon the rainforest's

    clearing them for farming and settlement areas .

    In Mexico is a famous jungle that the Media has been trying to save for years

    the Naturalists ,and the government ,keep watch .laws are made for protection the wild and to forbid logging.

    TV put out a series of documentaries

    there are campaigns in the News papers

    and all of this has not made the slightest difference

    Rainforest's always are in third world countries and always in third world countries corruption and the need for money s highest

    The jungle gets smaller by the day

    more and more farmers move in .and burn the trees

    It is an impossible situation

    as long as there is poverty in these regions the destruction will continue

    And the Animals will continue to be trapped ,as long as people keep buying the exotic animals


    And now many animals are becoming sick because of changes in temperature ,

    vital links in the food chains are disapearing affecting other species further along in the chain

    90% of the feral (wild) bee population in the United States has died out.

    Recent studies in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have shown that bee diversity is down 80 percent in the sites researched, and that "bee species are declining or have become extinct in Britain." The studies also revealed that the numbers of wildflowers that depend on pollination have dropped by 70 percent.

    If bees continue to die off so would the crops they support and with that would ensue major economic disruption and possibly famine.

    Bees are not the only pollinators but if these things are happening to bees we can bet on it that other insects are also in trouble ,on top of this many people are spraying for mosquito´s ,with drastic effects .

    So much follows the insects in the food chains ,that we can expect a lot of very bad changes in the environment .

    And now the quest for Ethanol that intends to replace Indigenous forests for mono culture plantations to produce wood for pulp,will wipe out all the inhabitants of those forests in the process

    the only thing that lives in these forests is plagues of insects that are controlled by pesticides.

    the trees are chemically grown with fertilizers,and heavily irrigated with water needed for the surrounding communities.


    It will be a sorry future for the Animals ,and we will be close behind.

    Everything is happening so fast it is not possible to monitor events any more

  5. They have to get off their duffs and start dealing with the knee-jerk opposition to every environmental issue.

    Current estimates of the rate of extinction is 3 species PER HOUR.  That exceeds any mass extinction in the history of the planet.

    Picture a long list with every species name on it scrolling past at that rate.  Somewhere on that list is the name Homo Sapiens

    This type of news is heavily suppressed in the USA .  The American public is fed a steady diet of Paris Hilton, diapered astronauts, Brittany Spears, and Anna Nicole-- and they want it to stay that way.  We can't wait forever for everyone to wake up.  If we do, none of us are going to make it.

    You're right about the dolphins of course, but there is also mass starvation of people going on attributable to the same factors that are killing off the other species.

  6. Tell us what happened. WHICH species is now extinct?

    While our grandchildrens will never see this animal. your grandchildren will certainly know how to hate. They;ll learn it from you!!

  7. Do not vote into office those people who are only out to make money no matter who or what they have to step on to do it.  They simply do not care about our planet as long as they get more than their share.

  8. This is really a sad thing. Humans are becoming notoriously known for their cold-bloodedness against animals. Even wildlife conservationists can't seem to do much about this.

  9. So... you must not believe in evolution...

    Survival of the fittest.


    a species going extinct is only bad if they were CREATED and thus irreplaceable.  If evolution works... nature will fix it.

  10. Oh that is tragic! And day by day, the number of extinct and endangered species are increasing rapidly...rhinos, wolves and the list could go on.

    Humans just don't give a d**n about anything but themselves, that's the awful truth! And money is the god of today's world. Anything for money! Absolutely horrible! I've seen videos how they kill white seals for their skin. I was so sick and disgusted!

    I'm not sure we can do a lot of things to prevent other such cases, because even if hunting is forbidden there will always be people who do no give a *** about that.

    What we can do is educate the young and raise awareness, get people thinking about their environment and make them realize how important it is to protect aminals and nature. Also get goverments to act, because they have the power. Protest and march. Something has to be done.

    If we don't, the day when we will wake up to reality will be too late.

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