
HURT ANKLE.... been resting it but Still no improvement?! ANY HELP??

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My friend hurt his ankle playing football 3 weeks ago and has been resting it ever since, he recently just played football again..

His ankle is Still hurting now though..

Do any of you know anything that could help his ankle recover effectively ?? any excercises or anthing ??

Thankyou :) x




  1. stay off iy and go to a doctor asap

  2. The early treatment of a ankle sprain is the "RICE" method of treatment. If you are unsure of the severity of your ankle sprain, talk to your doctor before beginning any treatment or rehab. The following is an explanation of the RICE method of treatment for ankle sprains:


    The first 24-48 hours after the injury is considered a critical treatment period and activities need to be curtailed. Gradually put as much weight on the involved ankle as tolerated and discontinue crutch use when you can walk with a normal gait (with minimal to no pain or limp).


    For the first 48 hours post-injury, ice pack and elevate the ankle sprain 20 minutes at a time every 3-4 hours. The ice pack can be a bag of frozen vegetables (peas or corn), allowing you to be able to re-use the bag. Another popular treatment method is to fill paper cups with water then freeze the cup. Use the frozen cube like an ice cream cone, peeling away paper as the ice melts. Do NOT ice a ankle sprain for more than 20 minutes at a time!! You will not be helping heal the ankle sprain any faster, and you can cause damage to the tissues!

    How to ice an injury


    Use compression when elevating the ankle sprain in early treatment. Using an Ace bandage, wrap the ankle from the toes all the way up to the top of the calf muscle, overlapping the elastic wrap by one-half of the width of the wrap. The wrap should be snug, but not cutting off circulation to the foot and ankle. So, if your foot becomes cold, blue, or falls asleep, re-wrap!


    Keep your ankle sprain higher than your heart as often as possible. Elevate at night by placing books under the foot of your mattresses--just stand up slowly in the morning.

    More severe ankle sprain injuries, including complete tears of the ligaments and fractures of the bone may need different treatment and rehab than a simple ankle sprain. It is important that you see your doctor before beginning treatment or if your symptoms do not steadily improve over time.

  3. try getting him to use a wabble board, it helps with ankle injuries and mending scar tissue injuries like mine, although still recovering from sore ankle and leg

  4. Define "hurt" - is it bruised, cut/gashed, sprained/twisted, or something else?

    Ankles are very prone to spraining in football, if it's that it's usually very swollen and painful to walk on.  Once it's not too painful do light exercise like jogging to rehabilitate it before going back to contact sports, then buy one of those ankle support bandages for when you're ready to go back to football.  You might lightly sprain it but wearing the support prevents serious damage so it recovers much better.

    (If it's not a sprain, ignore the above advice)

  5. That must be really frustrating for your friend.

    Assuming this is just a soft tissue injury, then it is best to not exercise it, because it may just make it worse. Rest is necessary.

    Ankles are tricky things to heal because they receive little support from any surrounding tissues- they are often much leaner parts of the body, and don't have the large muscle groups of the legs for support.

    It is probably ligament damage. Ligaments can take a long time to heal. Could even be another 3 weeks. Then it will be time for some form of physical therapy to restore as much movement to the ankle as there was before.

    Make sure your friend checks in with a doctor just to make sure that there isn't some kind of latent fracture, which would also cause the ankle to hurt and make it seem like it hasn't recovered.

    I hope your friend is free from pain soon.

  6. have him write his name in cursive 3 time twice a day. hope that helps. take it from someone who sprained there ankle 4 times this year.

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