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my son grabs for me when hubby holds him and pushes him away when he trys and love on the baby if i am in the room, but if im not home my son acts tottally fine with him




  1. Let your husband take care of the baby more and try to leave the room when he is holding the baby or doing something with the baby.  Of course the baby is more attached to who is meeting its needs.

  2. well....most kids when they are young like to cling to momma more than has nothing to do with the relationship the father and son shares, it is just simply that he may feel more secure with mom. he also may just be a mommas i know when i was little i would rather be with my mother than my father, though it had nuttin to do with my love for my father. anyway..i dont know if im making any clear sense to you but im sure its nuttin serious..and dad shouldnt feel bad or sure he was the same way when he was a boy. so the best way to make your husband feel beteer is to just try to explain that to him.

  3. Well think of it this way, the baby knew you before he met the daddy. He was in your belly, there is a powerful connection there. Babies always have favourites too. When they get older they will come to love you both unconditionally.

  4. My daughter went through phases where she preferred mom or dad to the other.  It's nothing personal and the kids get over it.

  5. leave the baby with dad.  go out for a couple hours and leave them alone together.  don't take baby back from dad when he reaches for you.

  6. leave more often and let him make choices about the baby like what the baby should wear

  7. Very normal-but hubby needs to spend more time with him alone

  8. I guess your husband should spend some more one on one time with the baby

  9. Daddy needs to spend as much time with baby as possible. Have him change your son, even if daddy doesn't care for that task. Have daddy help feed the baby and so on. The more active he is in your son's life, the more your son will adapt. Remember, as a mother, we have to spread so much of our time to an entire family. It's hard. Encourage your husband and don't forget to have some alone time while baby sleeps. Allow daddy to spend as much time with his son as possible though. If you have to step aside a little more than you want to, you'll be better for it. You don't want your son to be too attached to one parent over the other right now. It'll break someone's heart; most likely your husband's. Good luck!!!

  10. Just let him now its a Mom and Baby thing, he will be his for most of his life anyway bc they both are males and he will teach him lots of things you won't be able to.

  11. go away 4 like a week-end and let the husband and baby bond, by time you come back the baby should be use to the hubby more... if u cant go 4 a week-end try a day>

  12. as a start tell him that the baby smells the milk in your breast now to develop the connection let the daddy feed the baby his bottle most of the times and try to teach the baby the word daddy before mommy ...

    also tell your husband that this baby knows your voice for the 9 months that he lives inside of you which is why he feels safe with you and it would take him some time to learn how great father he is .  

  13. tell him to spend more time with the baby

  14. go into another room for an hour or so, you don't have to leave the house and let your husband be in charge.

  15. It is just because the baby knows what he or she wants, and will want it now.  It is just because the baby is just a baby.  Don't treat the baby like someone who is reasonable.  If your husband spent more time with the baby, and then stopped (like to go to work or something), the baby will miss and want to see the father more.

  16. I hope your husband can learn to relax. Babies can feel that tenseness, and it makes them uncomfortable. Dad, just be laid-back, don't be anxious.  

  17. It'll usually change in a year then you will be the jeolous one and he can have a little poetic justice.  I felt that way sometimes, but reality is that little ones are closer to their mothers for a while, and thats because you care for the baby more.  Tell your husband to grow up and stop being a baby.

  18. Babies are almost always more attatched to their mother, the one who "grew them". There is an undeniable bond with a mother and her baby that can't be replaced.

    Your husband just needs to understand that, it's probably just a phase the baby is going through as well.  

  19. Tell him it's normal, and the baby will grow out of it!

    The baby has this natural bond with the mother because well, obviously he was living in her for 9 months, was the first person to really hold him, all that.

    The baby has to kind of learn to love the father.

    It'll happen, I know he's feeling bad, but the baby will learn to love him!

    Also, let him make more decisions (like clothing choices). Let him do things more independently with the baby also, like feeding and playing and bathing.

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