
HYPOTHETICAL: Why shouldn't I kill myself?

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Ok, before everybody freaks out, this is a hypothetical situation, relating to a paper I'm writing on the social and cultural implications of suicide. It's a casual paper, more of a thought experiment meant to show what we learned in class, as opposed to a hardcore research project that requires legit resources. So I figure that here would be a good idea to get the opinions of some people. Quite frankly, I'm having a difficult time of finding legitimate answers.

The question is this: Why shouldn't I kill myself? I use the word "I," not "a person," because I want responses to be based on one's personal reasons, not why OTHERS wouldn't want a person to kill themselves.

Also, avoid religious reasons. I have those ones down already (from religions which tell you not to, at least).




  1. Well for starters it's totally selfish.  How so?  Your family and friends will be affected by your death.  As in they'll blame themselves for not seeing the "signs and symptoms" that drove you to suicide in the first place.  Long after you're gone, your parents will have to live with the agony and false sense of "guilt" because of your death.  

    Would you like to see your mom or dad in a mental institution, strung out on drugs, living completely on skid row, or eventually turning to suicide themselves?  Our actions negative or positive have lasting consequences.  Long after we're dead and gone.  That's why suicide isn't worth it.  You're not the only person it affects.

  2. cause it would suck for your friends and family

  3. Let me assume that you want to kill your self because you hate you.

    But what are you to your self?

    Are you a son to your self?

    Of course not, you are the son of your mother and your father,

    Are you going to steal their Son from them?

    Are you the brother of any person or the husband or the friend of any living thing?.

    How can you allow your self to steal a person that is certainly dear to someone?????????

  4. You should not kill yourself because, like the expression "No man is an island" you are not simply a singular entity of this planet.  You probably don't realize it, but who you are and what you do has an effect on the world around you. Your family, your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers, and sometimes even strangers on the street are influenced - by varying degrees - by your presence on this planet.

      You don't have to be a rocket scientist, a brain surgeon, or a Nobel Peace Prize winner to have an influence on other people's lives. I've chatted with total strangers on the bus who have positively influenced me with something clever or wise they said.  When I was a child, I was trying to buy a little toy, but I was one penny short at the cash register. A kind lady in back of me smiled warmly and gave me a penny so that I could make my purchase. I'm now  55 years old, and I still remember with gratitude that ramdom act of kindness from one of my "co-humans". So, never under-estimate the power of your influence in this life.

  5. One big reason is the effects it has on the people around you (family and friends.)

  6. Nothing that the Lord does is by accident. The Lord made us all for a reason. When I awaken each and every day, I would be grateful for the gift of LIFE, the most precious gift of all. What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31  The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19.  Peace!

  7. u should not kill yourself because u love ur self and i love u ;)

  8. The most commonly given reason is that it would hurt your friends and family. However, it is likely that you will not be around to see their reaction. Another reason is that you do not know what will happen after death. But really, is cowardice and uncertainty any reason not to do anything? Also, it is far more selfish to force someone who doesn't want to live to stay alive for your sake than it is to kill yourself.

    People have argued that death is the cessation of experience. This is not certain, and it may be the beginning of a new and better experience. However, it may not be, or it may be worse, but see the comment about cowardice and uncertainty above. It *is* the cessation of the experience of life (unless, of course, after death your life just seems to continue as normal), which may bother some people, but it is really up to the individual to decide whether they want to experience more.

    To sum it up, I cannot find any valid reason for not killing oneself. My personal reason is that I haven't stopped enjoying life.

  9. So you can enjoy all your life and live it to the fullest and not worry your parents or friends or anybody close to you.

  10. its a cowards way out

  11. 1.  are  all affairs in  order, bills, rent, life insurance

       will it  pay suicide?

    2.  paid  in  advance  funeral  expences,  etc$7,000 - and up

    3. who will be  grieving  for you, friend, parent, child

    4. Will it  harm  who ever  finds  my body.

      5. Will I  be  found  before  I  rot away

         this is  all I can  think  of  for  now

  12. No matter how bad it is, there is someone out there that is living through worse.

  13. if you can even ask yourself why you SHOULDNT kill yourself, then youre not really set on killing yourself. youre not sure if you want to. if you want to kill yourself badly enough, nothing else in the world will matter to you. you wont have that thought. if youve decided kill yourself, your life is over through your eyes.

    atleast i think. i wouldnt know personally. that would be how i would think of things though if i were planning on killing myself.

  14. There is absolutely no reason it isn't unlawful and it would be disempowering and disrespecful for me to argue against your wishes.

    I have had 12 suicide attempts and have now given up -(as far as I know) - each one was meant and should theoretically have worked, but didn't .

    I am glad I am alive now - but that is just my story - i don't know what story has brought you to such a pass. If you change your mind or want to talk it though a it more I will listen and not try to change your mind.

  15. I am 71, and can view the question from a different prospective than most of you, looking back over time. The simple answer looking from the point of view is I would have never travel the journey which I have. One never know what is next, life is full of surprises, and affords the opportunity to gain knowledge and wisdom.  To view man evolutionary, and technical advancements. To be part of that if you choose.

    On a more personal level to have children, grand children, to become educated, to succeed, to enjoy friendships. Then finally to be able to look back and say wow what a trip this has been.

  16. If suicide is a mistake, it's awfully hard to fix.

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