
HYPP, Why are they still breeding?

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Why hasn't the AQHA put a stop to the breeding of any horse that has the gene that carries HYPP?




  1. They have to be tested and the papers are marked HYPP pos. or neg.  Since you need two parents  who possess the gene (carriers) to pass on the disease, you just don't breed to a carrier horse.  Many adds for AQHA horses now state: HYPP negative.  In time, with good breeding practices, this problem should be erased.  Personally, I believe the Appaloosa Horse Club is doing the proper thing in allowing outside breeding, you can breed to QH, Arab, or Thoroughbred.   It's a genetic fact that heterozygosity strengthens the herd.  Meaning, breeding from more than one "pool"  is the best way to preserve the health of the herd.

    There has been much debate, some of it very heated, about this subject but in the long run, the Appaloosa breed will be stronger by allowing outside breeding.  If only the JC would get on board!

  2. The AQHA has but the APHA hasn't. Some breeders may not be aware that their horses have it or even if their horse is descended from Impressive. I recently discovered that 2 of my mares are descended from Impressive and am having them tested. If they carry the gene, I will no longer breed them. So far though neither the mares or their foals have shown any sign of the disease.

  3. Horse + Horse

    =Jamie Martin + Horse

    Or we could substitute Darius for The Horse or Jamie so the equation changes to:

    Darius + Jamie Martin

    =Darius + Horse.

    So therefore Darius = Jamie + Horse.

    Or Darius  is Jamies Son.

    My conclusion is therefore

                       Darius = Jamie Martin

                                       The Horse


    A letter from Bill Brewer, AQHA President on Hypp.........

    Q/A's from one of the top vets working with the AQHA on


    Rule changes on HYPP>.........

    UC Davis info on HYPP

    Info on the second disease causing grief among those owners of descendants of Poco Bueno.....$department/...

    The AQHA is held by a limited partnership and is controlled by the extended families of those individuals who first created the organization.  Whether or not "payoffs" are occurring remains to be seen.

    (I'd  have a difficult time making unattractive remarks about the organization and a Board of Director's member, "Director Emeritus", who has been really good to me and other amateur exhibitors.  His credentials are above reproach).

    Obviously there's a bit of high dollar envy going on....what is it?...If you cannot compete, make nasty remarks?  Pretty revealing.

    I have a Mr. Conclusion (Impressive)/Two Eyed Jack bred gelding who is N/ problems with him.

    The appearance of heavy muscling is governed by a separate set of genes.

    The "Impressives" are not held as in high regard as you  might think...too many problems come with the package.....those breeders who insist on using "Impressive" in their breeding programs are only setting themselves up for a fall.  Too many other good studs on the horizen without the hassle of the Impressive bloodlines.

  5. It'$ the buck$ for $ure.  Scripture tells us that "the love of money is the root of ALL evil".   By the time HYPP was figured out and narrowed down, there was sooo much money involved.   Those heavily invested in the line had to salvage something;  'don't ask, don't tell'.

  6. Because too many high money people are still showing and paying off the AQHA board. That my opinion and its probably hitting pretty close to home. To many politics in all associations.

  7. " And why would someone want to have a horse with HYPP? We do not want other animals with defects, we put them down."

    Wow, that sounds really s****..

    I've actually ridden, and loved, a horse with HYPP. He actually got me my first 2 grand champions, and my first blue and red ribbons ever.

    He is an pretty rad horse, canters from a kick, can jump 3ft no prob.

    Having HYPP just makes it a little harder on feed (no big deal if you care about them) and sometimes it makes them prone to having bad behavior, but it can be fixed.

    Though it should be stopped in breeding, a lot of horses with HYPP are still awesome. Just a defect, no biggie.

  8. Are we talking about horse and jamie Martin or Jamie Martin and horse?

  9. I'm going to answer this without being for sure.  But I think starting with 2007 Impressive foals testing positive with hypp, they can not be registered with the AQHA.  Hopefully this will stop it.

    Yep, here's the site:

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