
Ha.....I need to say this...?

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"So you believe that a higher power created the world? OK, so who or what created the higher power?

If you can answer that one, you will be doing better than us atheists."

HAHA.......ahhh...thats my cartoon laugh if you could hear it...

but seriously... contradict yourself my friend whoever posted that....because in fact...think about your side of the board. You say, "What created God?" and i say... "What created the molecules that formed the big bang? What created the endless universe that was always there? If the universe was just always there than God could have always been there aswell..."

HAHA.....ahhh......i love pointing out flaws in everything. And no dont jump on me for pointing something can post but call me ignorant and I wont care!!! HAHA....I believe what I believe and youuuuu believe what you believe...and I DONT CARE ANYMORE!!! haha......but neither should you because if in fact everything is a lie in this world....Than 2 + 2 could = chicken!!!!

Am I wrong? Am I right??

I don't care thats for youuuuuuuuuuu to answer!




  1. The God of monotheism, pantheism or panentheism, or the supreme deity of henotheistic religions, may be conceived of in various degrees of abstraction:

    as a powerful, human-like, supernatural being, or as the deification of an esoteric, mystical or philosophical category;

    the Ultimate, the summum bonum, the Absolute Infinite, the Transcendent, or Existence or Being itself;

    the ground of being, the monistic substrate, that which we cannot understand, etc.  

  2. You say, "What created God?" and i say... "What created the molecules that formed the big bang? What created the endless universe that was always there? If the universe was just always there than God could have always been there aswell..."

    Except the natural universe is self-evident, and there are thousands of gods in human history but zero evidence for any of them.

  3. Have you ever heard of the uncreated Creator?

  4. that's quite a hypocritical answer, I to am atheist, but that still gives us no right to mock other peoples beliefs. Don't forget that atheism is classed as a religion as are agnostics, so taking the mick is basically mocking yourself as well.

  5. I don't think we'll ever know. I wonder if we'll find other life out in the universe

  6. HAHA...why am I laughing?...HAHA...seriously?...HAHA

  7. I think you do care.  You wouldn't have said all that if you didn't.

  8. please look into this:

    St. Thomas Aquinas' 5 arguments to prove God's existance.

  9. u got a good point, but you seem insane.  

  10. Dude, you're goin' too easy on the religious folk.  Don't be so nice to them.  What have they done to deserve your courtesy?  Nothing.  Go make a new question that straight up asks: Why the F are you MF'n religious Fs so MF'n GD stupid?!!!!

  11. Mother nature came before god was created so our real god is mother nature go figure.


    I bet your parents are divorced, and your friends are druggies


  13. For the 3rd time today:

    God is above space and time which are the categories of our universe. So He needs not to be created because he is timeless. Otherwise if he has beginning he is not True God.

  14. You're crazy. No one created God, heaven has no time, NO TIME LINE.

  15. Well actually, if universe could just always be there and God could also just always be there, than anything could just always be there and create what wasn't. How does it make any more sense that a God breaks the laws of physics to create things than that nothing broke them. As far as creation goes, both could just always have been there.

  16. i agree...but it's no use arguing with hypocritical religious people

  17. hahahhaha i am not stupid to answer a stupids question hahahhah

  18. It's times like this that I think maybe the internet wasn't such a great idea after all.  

  19. I have heard it said before that a person has to be out of their mind to truly understand God.  What do you think?  




    Troll or not, I find you strangely cuddly...Am I laughing with you?


  20. Isn't there a pill you can take or something?  Calm down.  Take a deep breath.  Everything'll be okay...    

  21. you would not need to ask this if you really believed you were a Christian

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