
Haa anyone ever done a home learning course?

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was it successful? i'm thinking of doing a course but dunnooo




  1. Yes.  Loved all my courses.  I have a marketing diploma from the ICS, courses in psychology and science from the Open University (which was the dogs doodahs - best ever thing to do).  I went to University as well and have a degree in Biology but am now looking for another home learning course as its more fulfilling for me - I get more out of it.  If you aint too sure, try one of the OU's short courses with no exams - just modules and see how you like it.   I don't use any of my qualifications in the job that I do now but I learn for its own sake so I don't care - is that unsuccessful - I am not sure!

  2. Yes I did a couple of animal behaviour courses. They are hard work. I think to stay motivated you need to be very,very keen on what you are studying.

  3. Yes, I did a at home course for medical transcriptionist. It was very expensive and I didnt finish it because i lost my motivation and got very bored with it and I am still stuck paying for it. Make sure it is something that you will really like and benifit from before you jump into it.

  4. I've done an online course (in Excel) as part of my major.  It was successful in that I passed the class (got credit) and did learn some things.  But be prepared- you will need to do all the work by yourself, including reading, studying, projects...  So don't do this if you tend to procrastinate, or are unorganized, or are unwilling to work.  I'd say it's easier and less work overall to attend class, hear the lectures, do the few assignments...  But online courses are a great alternative for motivated people who are unable to attend normal classes.

  5. Yes, I do a cyber school and my mom homeschooled me before.  I like being able to get things done in my time and have more time for myself or to go out/see friends.

  6. I fully recommend the Open University.  Great range of courses and a payment plan to spread the costs - if you're on certain benefits or your income is below a certain amount the courses are free and they give out grants in these circumstances too.

  7. stonebridge college does some nice distance learning courses...i've just enrolled on the animal healing

  8. Two important courses:

    1. A five year course with Foulks Lynch to be a chartered accountant (which set me up for life!) You need to take up "Articles" with an already qualified accountant and you can now qualify (after university) in a much shorter time.

    2. After early retirement I "signed up" to the Open University to study mathematics, technology and computer programming. I took six years in my spare time (With full-time dedication three years should be enough to get a good degree in almost any subject you may choose. And, OU degrees, are widely accepted by employers to be of at least an equal standard to the majority of other universities)

    It's a big decision - either go for it with total commitment - or forget the idea.

    In either event very good luck for your future.

  9. i have never done a home learning course.but i do know a friend who friend finds it good, so why not just do one. good will enjoy it very much .

  10. yes i done an ou but gave up i lost motivation with it

    i havealso done 2 vision2learn courses and about to do my 3rd. they are much shorter so you dont lose interest so quick


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