
Had 20 week ultrasound......concerned about what doctor said?

by  |  earlier

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Had my 20 week scan today (1st child).

Doctor said baby's hands and legs are a little short, but also asked for my height (5'3'') and my husband's height (5'8'') and said it could be because we are not very tall people to begin with.

He also mentioned that he noticed a bulge on the placenta, and it could be because of bleeding in the placenta at some point, and the blood never made it to the v****a (so I never realised).

I have been asked to come for another ultrasound in 2 weeks (also because baby was not co-operating, and they could not have a good look at the heart).

I have an appointment with my OB in 2 days, and I will discuss these things. But, I am just wondering if anyone else went through something like this, and what were the implications? Was it serious if it happened with you?





  1. Before your appt. i would try and think off all the questions that you would want to ask. this is what i normally do in the month between visits.  

  2. If it comes up again on this next ultra sound. I would asked the doctor to test you for certain genetic diseases like downs syndrome and dwarfism. The test is called an amino. That can rule out some worries and stress you are feeling.

    Ulta sounds are not 100% accurete

  3. Interesting, and just because you and your husband are short doesn't mean the babies arms and legs should be shorter then normal.  I am short so is my husband.  And are baby is measuring shorter then average yes.  But not at the 20 weeks u/s everything was within normal range.  

    If I were you I would ask lots of questions at your next apt.  I'm sure everything is fine. And I think he's being a little rude.  

  4. No, but I would ask lots of questions to ease your mind at your next appointment.

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