
Had Hitler not attacked Poland but allowed his scientists and economy to

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I will add more later depending on what the answers are as this What-If opens so many possibilities and I cannot possibly debate them all. But this question primarily deals with what would happen if Hitler let the

allies make the next move after the reunification of a lot of German lands into a Greater Germany. And Germany grew more powerful in its economy, science as some military build up. What would Stalin have done and what would the reaction of the western allies

have been to any of his moves is another idea you may want to consider when answering. I would hope their will be no cop outs saying this would never happen (it might never have but what if it did)!!!!!!!




  1. Excellent hypothetical question!!!

    I believe that the Soviet Union would have attacked Germany at some point and time to gain technology and military advantage of Europe.

    At that point it would have been Germany as our ally along with other nations to attack Russia.

    Hypothetical Answer

  2. would allow the economy to collapse??

  3. Well, all the nations of the world were afraid of German at this point and time and would do anything to appease them. My theory would be that if German had grown into a stronger nation in the fields of economics and science then they would have definitely either put up a longer and bloodier fight, or they would have won the war. The main reason Germany lost the war was because of poor leadership. During the first half of the war, Hitler led the country in a very smart and patient manner, but during the second half, they wanted to conquer the world before HE died, so he rushed and did simply stupid things, such as attack Russia before winning over Western Europe completely (Britain) and trying to take Northern Africa. Germany could have won the war if they had gone about it more intelligently later on.

  4. If Hitler never attacked Poland, and was more prudent in his plans, then Hitler would not have been Hitler.

    He gained most of his popularity by promising grand things, such as "living room" for the Germans and the enslavement of the Poles.  In the beginning of his career, especially, it was just as important for Hitler to show results as it would be for any other politician.

    Because Hitler had a military background, he was not in the position to scheme up complex economic or scientific solutions to the German peoples' troubles.

    Also, considering that most science in Germany dealt with racial issues, I really don't think they would have developed many innovations that could help them out.  I doubt efforts to clone and massively breed perfect Aryan super soldiers would have panned out for them any time soon.

    As for rocket technology, they could've probably wiped more UK cities off the face of the map, but I doubt this would've done much to offset an eventual Russian slaughter.

  5. Of course this is a purely hypothetical questions... which means there are no wrong answers nor right ones- but these are certainly fun scenarios to imagine...

    My guess is that both Europe and the isolationist American government would have continued to have allowed him to build up his forces while doing nothing... besides the usual condemnation letters and threats of boycots- remember there really wasn't any nation who had the power to do much- Europe and America was in the midst of a Great Depression and Russia had a fresh government that was still getting its feel for international politics...  An excellent condition for Germany to have "laid low" and grew into a mightier monster.

    Hitler was without a doubt a vicar from h**l, however, it is important for us to respect his political genius and economic successes- He invented the VW... people's car.

    If Hitler would have used his genius and political graces peacefully perhaps he could have achieved the goal he always desired- world domination... peacably... Now isn't that a thought!

    It is important for us to remember that history does have a habit of repeating itself- so it would benefit us to apply 1930's Europe to 2008 Middle East- lest we encounter a second holocaust and a third world war.

    Thanks for the thought provoking question!

  6. Germany might have become the world power

  7. The problem with your theory is that Hitler had to attack. He had converted the entire german economy into his arms build up and he needed all the loot that comes with conquest. He had promised the german people extensive lands in the east. His entire power base was built on conquest and his economy would collapse without it.

  8. the world would have more people, water would not be fluoridated, Israel would not exist (probally), a lot less wars would happen because of Isreals non-existance, Britian would have been the world power after world war 2, etc

  9. I don't think it would have made that big of a difference - except that a lot more people would be alive today.  Germany would more closely resemble the U.S.  or the E.U.  

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