
Had There Been No Talk Radio, Would There Have Been Lot More Democrats?

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Had There Been No Talk Radio, Would There Have Been Lot More Democrats?




  1. No talk Radio brings truth to the surface, it does not dictate which party people belong to. It simply speaks the truth and lets people decide.

  2. No, I think the people who listen to Rush didn't vote before so I don't see it as dems. leaving their party for whatever Rush says. Being a Democrat is simple, common sense. People who listen to talk radio will think they are being told the truth & they have no idea how warped it all it. I had someone here today that thought McCain grew up poor. He is the son of an OIL heiress. This understanding is a big clue to his intentions & his anger & his greed & why he shouldn't have power over hwo this country is run.

  3. Good question... Id have to say no.

    There are still some intelligent people still around who do actually do the legwork.

    I listen to the talk radio, but like mom always taught me, always verify anything that someone is telling you wether it be from the bible or otherwise.

    I dont take, glen, hannity, rush or quinn at face value till i can verify it

  4. The radio's got nothing to do with it. I'm a christian against abortion and big government. That makes me a Republican 99% of the time. If there was no Bible, there would be alot more Democrats.

  5. No because the RIGHT folks know what is really happening!

  6. 24 hour pro GOP propoganda on all the major radio stations in America? What do you think? Would Hitler have survived without his propoganda campaigns? I think not.

    I'm really laughing at the Republican poster above me who asked if less education would lead to more Republicans. DUH!

  7. Yes. Liberal propaganda would be the only thing heard.

  8. No.  Republicans are smarter than that.

  9. If you're trying to  insult my intellect, you fail.  Please stop and think before making such a silly statememt.  All you need to do is look at history.  Presto!  there were Republicans BEFORE talk radio.

    Were there Democrats before Air America??


    Progressive talk radio

    the cure for the Oxy addict Limbaugh's vitriol

  11. No.  The switch from Republicans to Democrats to Republicans, etc. has been going on for over 100 years.  When the economy scrapes bottom, people elect Democrats; when they want to keep what they have they elect Republicans.  In reality there is very little difference, each is owned by corporate America.

  12. No.  People like Limbaugh and Hannity are there for people who can't think for themselves.  They're doing Democrats a favor by continuing to spew their swill.

  13. I was a Republican long before talk radio.  Let me ask you this.  If there were no public education were there be more republicans?  

  14. talk radio is for boring people.

  15. No. Democrats and Republicans have been around a lot longer than talk radio. People with a little knowledge, intelligence, and common sense do not need others to tell them when someone is pi**ing on their shoes and telling them it's rain.

  16. No. There are only so many gullible people, talk radio or not.

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