I have an acquaintence who had her first baby 4 weeks ago, she had a natural birth. I have spoken to her on the phone and she talks of taking the baby out every day, seeing family, friends calling in to visit etc but says she is 'not up to it' when I asked her if she'd visited her grandma to show her the baby. Her grandma is in a home and is wheelchair bound and not very well physically at all. 4 weeks after the birth of a baby are you 'back on your feet' as it were,I can understand you would not be after a caesarean but how about a natural birth? Is she making excuses? To me it seems that she doesn't want to see her grandma, she sees her as an irritating duty. But bearing in mind she may not be in this world for much longer, why wouldn't she want to get some lovely photos of them all together for their memories? Is she being silly or is 4 weeks too soon to travel to visit people?