
Had a baby a week ago...a few questions....

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when should i stop bleeding? or slow it down a litte?

my baby had dark blue eyes when he was born....and they're slowly turning gray around the pupils, what do you think his eye color will be?

do i really need to wait the 6 weeks to have s*x? i wasnt in much pain, i tore....and have a few stitches.




  1. Wow... I bled for 6 weeks! Not sure about the eyes.. I think you should wait 6 weeks, especially since you tore..

  2. these vary for all women.  You can bleed for up to 6 wks I was told but I only bled for 3.  it slowed down after a week.  I had a ton of stitches because I tore EVERYWHERE and it was well beyond the 6 wks before they were healed.  don't have s*x as long as your stitches are there.  You don't want to get an infection.  Your doc will let you know when it's OK.  

    It's so hard to determine what the eye color will be but it sounds like he will have beautiful light eyes either way.

    congrats on your baby!  enjoy every minute:) -even the bad ones!

  3. Well first of all, congrats. I've seen you on here throughout your pregnancy and was wondering when you'd have your baby.

    As far as bleeding goes, I bled a good amount for the first 4 weeks and then it stopped for two weeks and I bled again for 3 days.

    Your baby's eye color may stay that way for awhile or it may change to whatever you or the dad's eye color is. It usually happens within the first 6 months IF they are going to change.

    YES, you do need to wait the 6 weeks. That is the proper amount of time for your body to heal. You may feel okay but your body needs this time. Also, if you have s*x too early you can get some nasty infections... especially if you're still bleeding.

  4. I stopped bleeding at about 5 weeks. Then I got the mirena at my 6 week check up and started bleeding again lol. My 3 month old son was born with blue eyes and they still are bluish/grey. And I only waited a week to have s*x. Whatever u are comfortable with is fine.

  5. I bled for about a month. It should slow down in about a week.

    Your babys eyes MIGHT turn either green, hazel or brown. my sons eyes did th exact same thing and right now they are a hazelish color.

    If you feel you can have s*x then go for it. But if you start and it really hurts. STOP. bacause you will be in SO much pain if you continue! When you tear it heals quicker then being cut. i would probably wait about 2 weeks.

    Good luck! and congrats :)

  6. maybe stop bleeding after 10-15 days...Yes you definitely need to wait to have s*x...just so your body can heal...penetration can irritate you as well as rip some stitches... and as for the eye depends on your eye color and the baby's father's...if either of you have dark brown eyes...probably brown...if you both have either blue or hazel...probably blue...just depends on the dominating color...brown & blue dominate..

  7. I didn't stop bleeding until right after my six week check up!!  Every women is different though.

    I have no idea what color your babies eyes will be but isn't the anticipation exciting?

    I would wait the six weeks and get cleared by a doctor. You wouldn't want a nasty infection to set in!  I can't believe you are even talking about it.  I could not even SAY the word s*x until around the nine month mark!!! :)

  8. Bleeding stops at about 5 weeks. You may spot a little unexpectedly over the next 8 weeks, so don't go out buying any new panties. haha

    With the eyes, they are all that gray color in the beginning. It's hard to tell.

    Yes, you need to wait. Or you won't close up like you're supposed to. Your stuff won't be as tight either if you do it before then. Really, you should wait 2 months, but that's just me.  

  9. My eyes were blue gray until I was two and I now have brown eyes.  I think sometimes it's hard to tell for quite awhile!

    As far as the s*x thing goes, take it slowly and do only what feels comfy.  I remember trying things at 4 weeks p.p. and it was fine but with the second it wasn't definitely painful!

    Congrats on the baby!


  10. it takes awhile to stop bleeding. at least a good 2 weeks sometimes longer.

    you just have to wait to see the eye color. it's normal for them to start to turn gray and then slowly turn whatever color they're going to be. it's exciting, I know!!

    YES YES you need to wait. I know you can feel fine and not have much pain but your organs and internally you are not back to normal after 6 weeks. when I was married to my 2nd husband and I said the same we did it at 4 weeks. and I bled and bled and it was just not really at all that pleasant. but even after having my son 2 years ago (and I'm now married to a new husband) I thought I'd be sooo ready after 6 weeks...most women are still terrified they'll get pregnant and of poking something so s*x comes slowly after that. you shouldn't go reverse cowgirl just yet!! :)

  11. I am 8 months pregnant with my 4th child and the normal is 6-8 weeks.

    Probably gray and No you don't but it is best to wait especially if you have stitches. s*x should be the last thing on your mind right now. You are very vulnerable to get pregnant again after having a baby and you can get an infection really bad and you can have a set back which can  kill you. so just wait.

  12. I breastfeed and I only bled for about 2 weeks.

    They will probably change color until he is about 6 months old.

    If you feel up to having s*x then yes, but make sure you use protection and just be careful.

  13. It can take over 6 weeks to stop bleeding but usually you slow down after about 2 weeks.   I don't really know what color your baby's eyes will be that depends mostly on your eye color, your parent's eye color's, your husband's eye color, and his parent's eye color's.

    Yes you really need to wait 6 weeks to have s*x to give your body a chance to heal.

  14. i bled for 2 1/2 weeks. it was very lite for me.

    its a toss up on the color of your babies eyes. only time will tell.

    i waited 6 weeks and tried having s*x...but it hurt. i really wasnt ready for about 10 weeks total.i had a lot of stitches so maybe thats why. maybe you'll be luckier

  15. IF youre breastfeeding, you will likely bleed longer than a month. Its a 'natural birthcontrol'.

    2. I have no idea what the eye color could be, depends on what color is dominate in your family.

    3. The reason they say 6 weeks is for your uterus to heal. If you feel up to it and use the protection then you should be okay. However, I will warn you that if you get pregnant before the 6 weeks, you may need to increase your calcium because your body is already stealing it from your bones during the healing process. That is why you see sometimes mothers that have babies back to back complain of bone/hair loss ( ie teeth/hair falling out)

    Just take your time, let your body heal first.

  16. You should slow down on the bleeding within about a week or less (from when you gave birth), it will slowly go away (but if it stops one day -- be prepared with pads if you do go out, because mine would stop and start for about a week) I was pretty much totally done bleeding (not needing a pad or pantiliner) by about week 4 or 5. By week 3 I was only wearing a pantiliner and it wasn't bad at all.

    All babies who will not have brown eyes are born with dark blue eyes (if someone is going to have brown eyes they are born with them). Your baby will likely have blue, green, or hazel eyes -- it can take up to a year for them to fully turn the color they are going to be!

    From my experience with the stitches - they took about 5 weeks to heal properly. My doc said you don't have to wait the 6 weeks, but its prob best just to make sure your stitches have healed and that everything else (ie - uterus) is healing properly as well! However if after a few weeks you feel up to it, and your stitches are healed then go for it! Congrats on your little one :)

  17. with my first i bleed kinda heavy for about 3 weeks and then it slowed down i stopped at about 6 weeks with my 2nd i had a c-section and i slowed down bleeding after about a week and stopped at 4 weeks. my husband and i both have dark brown eyes and our first was born with black hair and eyes now at 4 she has med. brown hair and brown black eyes. our second was born with gray blue eyes and light brown hair and at 7 weeks her eyes have turned to a bright blue color, I'm sure that in time they will turn brown. I think it kinda depends on your and you husbands eye color but it is normal for baby to be born with blue eyes and may not change until the baby is 3. as far as the s*x goes i would wait a few weeks just cause you have stitches and you dont want to risk infection. just make sure you use a form of birth control if you dont want to get pregnant. congrats on baby

  18. Your bleeding should lighten up within a few days but it may not fully stop until 5 weeks.  You can't really tell what color the babies eyes will be, my son was born with gray eyes now they are brown they change so much during the early days.  and yes you do have to wait the full six weeks, you may not be bleeding anymore or you may feel fine but you could run the risk of an infection or something worse.  You need the ok from the doctor at the post par tum check up.

  19. Well, with my first baby, he died, so I didn't breastfed and I bled for the full 6 weeks. With my second baby, I breastfed, and they say that if you are breastfeeding, the bleeding stops sooner. I bled for about 3-4 weeks. I had a C-section though, so it might be different since you have stitches.

    What color are your and your baby's dad's eyes? Brown is a dominate gene, so if you have any brown eyes in your families, like your parents or siblings, then they will probably turn brown. Blue is a recessive gene, so say if you have blue eyes and the daddy has brown eyes, they will probably be brown. My baby's eyes were blue until around 2 months when they started to darken and turn brown. It's hard saying what color they will be.

    The doctor will tell you to wait, but if you feel okay after your stiches are gone, and you aren't bleeding anymore, then go for the s*x. It will probably hurt at first, just take it slow and hopefully your husband will understand! If it hurts too much, then stop, don't force the issue, you will do it when you feel ready. Good Luck!

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