
Had a dream about my late grandmother....?

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Okay, it was like in May when I had a dream about my late grandmother who died in March. It was the night after my chorus solo. She was in my kitchen and she said "You did great sweetie." and walked to the sun. It was so cool. She looked just the same! Anyway, how can I get her to visit me oftenly in my dreams? Or does she just come when she wants to? I really want her to visit me in the daytime. How can I do that?




  1. When you dream about someone who is dead and you talk to them and you don't wake up, it means you are actually talking to them. When she walked in to the sun I think she might have seen the light and moved on. I doubt that you'll see her again. She sounded like a nice lady

  2. I don't think we can control our dreams as to what and when and who is to be in them. That one was really special. Enjoy it! Otherwise, it won't be that special anymore.

  3. Dreaming of your grandmother after you had successfully completed something you love doing (singing) was just  relating the fact that you love both of them. Your grandmother represents all of the good things in your life and your chorus solo was also somethng very positve.

    To answer your question about helping yourself to dream about your grandmother, in some cultures, people had dream boxes. They would write pleasant things or something they would want to dream about on little pieces of paper and put them in the "Dream Box." Before going to sleep they would remove a "dream" and think about it, thus causing them to dream about whatever was written on the paper.

    Often times, we dream about whatever we were thinking about before we go to bed. So try thinking about your grandmother right before you go to sleep. Also there is something called lucid dreaming. It takes practice, but you are in an awake/asleep state and pretty much have control over your dream. To learn more about lucid dreams,

    go to:

  4. one night that happen to me and her goast was there and just talk to her and she will just come

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