
Had a lightning storm last night. Computer works but not connecting to internet. My other computer is fine.

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Had a lightning storm last night. Computer works but not connecting to internet. My other computer is fine.




  1. A while back we had a power bump that knocked me offline. I noticed afterwards that some of my settings had changed. Check your settings.

  2. May be that your ethernet card is defunct now, in the computer. Surge protector helps protect your computer, but there is nothing to protect the power from going through the ethernet cable. If this is DSL, make sure the telephone box outside has a ground wire going to it. Many, many times, the phone company does not connect a ground to the black wire inside. A must for computers!

    Edit: Try un-plugging the AC power to the modem, or router for 1 minute. Then plug it back in.

  3. the lack of information is holding your answer back.can you be a little more specific please.

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