
Had a really bad dream, how can i get it out of my head?

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it was really surreal, kind of space age but based on family issues, but worse, my mum and sis were taking me to court to fight my fathers will, trying to steal from me things given by him, said it was my fault he died - it wasnt, tho he was in a car crash and maybe if i was there he wouldnt have been driving. anyway, i asked my mum why she hated me so much and she said "ive worked so hard and long at making you go crazy, im afraid its true now"

it was kind of space age soldier stuff , tho the room i was in was the same bedroom i grew up in, as was my dads old home. it turns out the guy i was seeing in the dream worked for my mum, tho she didnt realise, and they were going to send to me to another planet to hijack my life, in the end, this is really gross, i poked my mums eyes out,liked removed the lenses which looked like lambs eye lenses, and they kind of looked like plasticine, with my fingers, and they were on the floor with her looking for them when i woke up. im completely grossed out, how can i get this out of my head?




  1. well things tend to seem different in dreams den reality...mayb it is trying to tell you something...the dream could b 75 percent accurate,,weas the ppl and the situation could all mean differnet things....tlk to a doctor

  2. One way to get it out of your head is like you do when you watch a horror movie.  Just forget about it!  Dreams are rarely literal but symbolic for other issues.  Those images are not your waking mind's thoughts so don't let it get to you.

    Are you feeling falsely accused about something that you feel is right?

    Your dream mom and sis saying it was your fault your father died is your minds way of placing blame in the wrong place.  You feel you could have prevented his death, therefore you think it's your fault.  That is not the case, that's called misplaced grief.

    It seems that your mom is driving you crazy and your starting to believe that she is out to get you, when it could be your own mind causing you the 'critical thinking'  However, she may be feeling crazy herself because she just lost her husband and she may be acting out of character.

    It looks like you feel your life is over, maybe because you haven't fully grieved over your father's death.  It takes many months and sometimes years to get over death.  Try to hang in there and remember it wasn't your fault.

    Poking your mom's eyes out represents something you don't want to see or something she isn't seeing.  I think what the two of you are not seeing is that you have a common issue.  You both lost someone you love.  Try to work it out with your mom if you can.

  3. just get over it. and tell your story to someone else. we have this practice here in our place that if you don't want your dream to happen, you have to tell it to people, like your friends so that it would be jinxed. sounds superstitious but it might help. just pray that it won't happen then all things will be okay. :)

  4. There are a lot of symbols here, sometimes dreams are extreme in order for you to really pay attention to the message, sort of "shock" value.

    I am not sure of what is real in your life correlating to the dream but it sounds like there is some guilt involved, either given by your family or that you feel inside.

    Poking your mom's eyes out, could symbolize how she doesn't "see" you how you are or that you have never "seen eye to eye" and you would like for her to. Also extreme frustration with your mother and how she views things regarding you.

    Maybe you are also feeling that "they" "are" hijacking your life, i.e. that you don't feel in control of it yourself right now and are feeling a bit desperate right now dealing with it all.

    Just a few symbols point that way, but it's hard to say without knowing your life situation. You can read every dream book out there, but dream symbols are always VERY personalized! Hope that helps!

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