
Had a root canal today tooth and gums hurting so much any pain relief remedy!?

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Had a root canal today tooth and gums hurting so much any pain relief remedy!?




  1. dont drinnk your own p**s... he talks **** lol.... Clove oil is fantastic for that kind of pain... And you should take any pain-releavers and are not asprin/ibuprofen based... That should help....

  2. advil?  your dentist should have given you instructions on pain medications.

    Mine told me to take like 4 advil at once... beyond normal recomendations but it is short term... talk to your dentist first.

  3. Peroxide hold it in your mouth for 5 minutes then spit it out... repeat.

  4. try a medicine with codeine and or paracetamol and doxylamine succinate. Try this thing called "Mersyndol" at your local pharmacy. fast and Quick pain relief, apparently.

  5. ibprofin

    that numbing gel in a tube

  6. Breathe In and out very slow.

    Turn on some soft music.

    (btw this next tips who cares if your a boy still do it)

    filll your tub up. and add some bubbles.

    light a few sweet smelling candles.

    sit and relax in the tub for a little while. (make sure the water is warm)

    after that take a pain killer.

    go into your bed and turn on some soft relaxing music. and go to sleep

    you will so much betterr. trust me

    had a root canal did and ahh was it nice....

    hope i helped.

  7. I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled last week and the first day ice packs were my best. But then the second day I used a heating pad and it was GREAT. Also try gargling salt water it will take the sensitivity away but you cant do it until the bleeding stops. Also take your pain pills on a regiment and not just when you feel the pain for the first few days. You can do IBU every four hours or whatever the doctor prescribed. Good Luck! I hope you feel better.

  8. Ibuprofen and Tylenol.  You can alternate them every 2 hours.

    Oragel is worth a try.

    A boiled tea bag(cooled) applied to the gums actually works for a pulled tooth.  Worth a try for this.

    And you @*# dentist should have given you a Rx.  It was a root canal!

    You may not find oil of cloves (it does work).  The all nite drug store should have various tooth pain killer gels.  Look for the ingredient Eugenol.  That's what dentists have used for decades, is very effective.(It's also why dentists offices all have that smell.)  It's better than the lidocaine gels.

  9. try this these are all for teeth ache

    1. mafgesic 250 mg

    2. flagel 40 mg

    3. caflam  it might be 50 mg good and strong

    4. anti biotic 500 mg (any that works like pain killer)

  10. legal pain killers?

    lots of ibuprofen (advil), and the triple medicated orajel, that numbs

  11. advil works for me  

  12. Did they not give you pain relief medication.?

    Well 2 regular Tylenols and 2 regular advils will take the pain away. That is what I have used for my toothaches. I read it on web Md.. It works great...

  13. I don't know how to get rid of the pain but I'm 12 and I got my first cavity I was crying so much because i was the only without one! :(

    hope u feel better I feel horrible too! Trust me!

  14. Oh I hate those.

  15. I've had root canal before and I know how much it hurts.  Try Motrin.

  16. Codeine, Paracetamol, Aspirin and a benzodiazapam shaken not stirred into a whiskey sour and I'll have what she's having..

  17. orajel...or chew on clove

  18. I second the Advil/Ibuprofen.3-4 tabs is equal to a prescription dosage and should take care of the pain. If it does not, call the dentist and maybe they will phone in something a bit stronger for you.Good luck!

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