
Had an Accident and ........?

by  |  earlier

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I had an accident a couple of days ago and the person told us that she wouldn't report it to our insurance company if we paid her for the damages. Ok I have heard of it before but now I cannot find a Release or Wavier of Liability Form to have her sign so that She can't try to come back on me. Please tell me were I can find free legal documents of who I should go to have on made up (An insurance company or lawyer)




  1. That's because there's no such thing. Either SHE has no insurance and didn't want the cops called or she wanted a quick buck without going through the proper authorities.

    You should have reported this, to the police AND your insurance company. Even if it was YOUR fault, you would have had liability (unless you DIDN'T, in which case your form would not "release you".)

  2. Call your insurance company.  Personally, I think you're leaving yourself open to a lot of headaches.  Only my opinion though.

  3. Well I know that if there isn't an accident report done at the time of the accident that nobody can legally go after someone. I don't know if there is form for what you want, but you could type something up and both go down to the town hall or library and have it notorized for your own piece of mind.

  4. Do not do this !  Report this to your insurance company ASAP.  You paid perfectly good money for insurance protection, now let them protect you.  ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS report accidents to your insurance company.... ALWAYS!

  5. I strongly urge you to not settle the claim this way. These settlements often go bad. Are you aware that you will owe for both the car damages and a rental car while her car is being repaired? Hopefully, nobody was injured because you'll owe for that too.

    Also, will you have any idea if the damage estimate she gets is legit or excessive. Probably not. These are the things that your insurance is an expert in.

    Anyway if you insist on settling this way I can email you a Release form. Click on my avatar and send me an email through the Yahoo Answers system.

    Good Luck

  6. You can right it up your self in most states. Becareful how you write it , so there is no loop holes. Also, be sure to pay her by check, so that way you have a documented reciept that she cashed the check and accepted the money. At the bottome of the check, be sure on memo, Write car damage paid in FULL. That way she cant come back later and say you owe her more money than that.

  7. In some states you must legally report it to your own ins company.

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