
Had an encounter with a psychic and im dead scared?

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so I was leaving the mall yesterday and this girl who appears to be in her early 20s comes up to me and starts telling me stuff about my life which is actually true. she describes events to me which has happened in the past year. now shes telling me theres some sort of blockage in my life and she wants to help me. she gave me her number to call her and she wants me to come see her again. then she was like if i dont call her bad events will start happening. i dont know if im sounding stupid or like a little five year old kid but im dead freaking i tell sum1?the cops? dead scared she does sumtin to hurt my family or whatever. ive never believed in stuff like this but lets just say my mind has sorta changed




  1. Wow!!!  I'm a Christian & i believe there are people out there that can foresee the future i believe that everyone has a special gift that God gave them it's just trying to figure out what that gift the hard part!!!  Calling her and hearing what she has to say won't hurt but if she wants to charge u money then i'd think twice about believing her she could be a scam....some things that happen in life or the world can't always be explained just call can't hurt, let me know how it goes!

  2. scam

  3. Don't belive it!  The Great Magician, Harry Houdini, spent much of the latter part of his life disspelling these people.  Even the good ones he could prove were fakes and never did he fail.  This one just wants to scam you out of money.  Don't give it a second thought!

  4. Lupus?  Is it Lupus?!

  5. She could be real, she could be a stalker.  I would call her and ask to meet her in a public place.  Ask her what she knows.  Personally I would not pay her.  If she has voiced concern then I feel it is her duty to inform you.

  6. hey just relax this happen to me b 4 and im good they are people that work for the devil and they need money to be on this planet so she is just gonna try and get some from you u'll b ok

  7. Don't fall for it.  If she were legitimate, she wouldn't have to scare you into coming to see her.  My guess is that it's a con, and the only one I'd even think of calling is the police.

  8. Sounds like how a con job would start. Make first contact and then you contact them after that. Not much the police could do. There is not a law against people coming up and talking to you as long as they are forcing you to do something you don't want to. Just don't make any further contact with her.

  9. i say call her but not from your home phone (just in case she's some sort of crazed lunatic).  if she asks for money she's a class 1 fake.  if she tells you what these bad things are in your life with no compensation then you either follow her advise or long as you don't give her your money, you have nothing to lose but your time.

  10. For $40/session, I'll make guesses about your life, and get you to talk about your problems.  I'm not licensed, so it's probably illegal for me to be doing this in my state.

    That's what's about to happen to you.  Avoid this woman.  Do not call her.

  11. Okay she told you things that happened to you, but do you realize that you could have given her the answers without even realizing it? Let me explain: Many psychics are very skilled in eliciting information from you with you being aware  of it. Some psychics are experts in observation. Every movement of your body, eyes, and facial muscles can provide clues. The tone, and the sound of your voice can verify whether the information they just gave you created an emotional reaction. Even a hesitation can provide instant information.

    To get information, a psychic may start off with general statements/questions. As you agree or disagree, the psychic develops a general profile of you in their mind. For example , she may say something like, "I see that you have had some sadness in your life, wouldn't you agree?" When you answer that question, you are bound to give the psychic some information about yourself that will lead her to another question. These types of techniques are no different than a good salesman would use to convince you to buy his product. The salesman will start by finding out what you are looking for, and then will describe his product with those same words. In this case, the psychic is looking for clues about you and your problem. Be sure to recognize this approach-this is not how psychic work should be done.

    There are psychic who do not use this type of approach, and there are others that do. It is up to you if you want to go back and talk to this particular psychic again, but if you do please take a tape recorder, ask for permission of course. The recording will confirm or eliminate any suspicions you may have.

    Getting another reading is up to you, and just because the psychic told you that bad things were going to happen if you didn't contact her doesn't mean it is true "readings" are not cast in stone you basically create your own destiny.

  12. Ignore her and throw away her number. She is a con who scoped you out ahead of time.

  13. First of all ,a real psychic would not just walk up to you and give you a reading out of the blue like least none that I know and respect!It would be unethical and rude,not counting you should always ask permission first.Not everyone wants to know whats going on in there future,past or present.......check out her background,and find out if shes lagit or just knows about you through friends. anyone who tells you or gives you the assumption bad things will happen because you don't call seems alittle suspicious.don't let this feed fear into you...that only fills the insecurity of not calling.Do the research on this person if your that worried,and remember your not alone,trust your instincs,and tell someone you trust. be smart an safe...............Blessed be!

  14. Ehh .. I don't know. I think that this sounds like a scam. I mean, if she was psychic, why would she need you to call her? Couldn't she call you because she " knows " your number?

  15. you should call her and find out if shes a freak. sometimes people are bogus. but you never know. if you feel threatened then tell someone the cops whoever you want. but dont call before your 100 percent sure shes bothering you

  16. don't pay no attention to her!

  17. This girl has solicited you in a Mall.  Some people are

    real psychics, but most only have intuition and good research skills.  If I were you I would call the cops, and give them her information, just in case.  It is against the law in some areas

    to "sell" information or run a business without a permit.

    Most persons that solicit these skills are scam artists.

    Your own belief of what she has "suggested will happen", Will Not Happen, unless you let it.   If this happens again or she approaches you-- take both arms--cross them over--with your hands on your shoulders and eyes closed--pat your shoulders

    3 times with your arms still crossed and think " all the bad will go and stick to her this very day"!  Then, if she is still there,

    Yell at her "get away from me", and walk as fast as you can to a Mall security guard and report her!

  18. maybe shes a L*****n? just bring someone with you so you are not alone. it doesnt hurt to just CALL.

  19. Did the woman say EXACT events that had happened in your life? Life for example was she like "Your little brother skinned his knee yesterday" or was it very general like "Something bad happened to your brother yesterday"?

    If she was very exact about it, then I'd say give the number to the police, Have them check her out. They may even be able to give you some records on her. It's possible this woman might've been a stalker of some sort.

    If she was very general about everything, then I'd say write it off as a scam and keep her out of your mind.

    If you absoloutley positively feel like you have to go see her though, BRING A FRIEND! A few friends actually, and a cellphone.

    Be careful though.

  20. Well first of all there are real psychics, I went to one and she told I would have a new job, some place where they store things and a nice boss. I ended up getting transferred to the supply room at work and had a really great manager!!

    She's either a fake or a psychic that is up to bad. Suggest you try to find a real one to help with your problems, but it won't be easy, there are a lot of fakes out there.

  21. That has to be a scam.  If she really wanted to help you, she would have told you what you needed to know right then.

    Likely she was guessing on past events, being vague, and you connected those things to actual events.

  22. Sorry to answer a question with a question: but why are you letting someone that you neither gave birth to or are sleeping with rent soo much space in your head for free?

  23. It's easy to convince someone that you have special 'powers', You 'half' say something and respond to their reactions. Then build on it.

    You have to be careful that until you have the 'victim' sussed out you don't say anything too definite. You always follow the reaction and build on it.

    This is the way many career politicians con voters!

    It can be very convincing and practice improves your skills, although some have a natural ability to scam. Yes Scam!...........because that is what it is, the ability to deceive others.

  24. I would be freaked out too.She must have found out info. about you.Think back to people you know.Maybe she does have this ability,but,don't worry all the rest she doesn't know about you.Maybe you should call her and find out more about her some.

  25. you can call her but if she start wanting money from u i think its a scam, also if she "cleans u" with an egg and something bad comes out don't believe it its probably a scam i saw it on TV

  26. Well you didn't really specify if when she said "bad things would happen" if it was in a threatening way or just a way to get your business. I cant imagine that you should have any reasons to worry. These are just lame scam artists that read ton of books and then use what they learned just to fool around with you brain and open up your pocket book. SO in conclusion dont worry...if you feel to uncomfortable a call to the cops to report a threat never hurts.

  27. creating fear is a very valuable tool that the 'gypsy' uses to make his or her living.  eventually she will ask you for money for her help.  she will keep asking for money if you give in.  don't go to see her.  don't give her your name, your birthdate or your money.  pay her no mind, she will use your belief in what she  says as leverage.  this has been done for thousands of years to thousands of people.  just leave it alone.  that woman is unscrupulous but, she won't hurt you or your family, unless you believe that she can.  and, she ain't got it like that.

  28. She singled you out among the crowd  and purposely went near you.   Maybe she knows somebody who knows about you and your family the reason why she knew about your life and your past.  No psychic would do what she did to you, almost like threatening you if you don't follow through with her demand to see her or call her.  It's all scam, don't let her browbeat you or scare you into thinking she can touch you or your life and do harm to your family.  Tell your family about this just in case she makes trouble.  An extra precaution is better than doing nothing at all.

  29. Do NOT call her. Anyone claiming to be a psychic that tries to scare you with that sort of message is a sham artist. She may have gifts, but isn't using them for the highest good. I wouldn't accept her information as truth, and I would just move on with my life. If you feel you should, you might want to call the police to have them investigate her.

  30. Hmmm. Sounds a bit fishy. I don't like the sound of it.

    She's up to something...

  31. In my opinion, clairvoyance is "humanly" impossible.

    If she is able to tell you things that she can't possibly know, then she would need a "middleman", a demon that allows her to see the future, etc.

    I don't suggest that you get mixed up in that kind of stuff.

    Just laugh it off and say something like "Get thee behind me, Satan", and throw the card away.

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