
Had an old crown recemented, now it hurts. Why???I?

by Guest56013  |  earlier

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Last week, I had an old crown(I had it for 7 yrs) re-cemented. It got loose, but came right out, there was no decay on the tooth underneath. Now, I have a little sensitivity with cold. It also hurts if I bite down on it. Could it be that the bite is off now, even though the crown never bothered me before? Did re-cementing it make it more sensitive? Thanks for your help!




  1. it is possible it did throw your bite off a slite bit. but more likely, its that it is new. getting crowns, fillings, etc. all of that stuff can be painful at times and that is probably why it is bothering you. i would give it about a week and be extra careful with that tooth. if it doesnt get better go back to your dentist. if you are still worried i would call your dentist.  

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