
Had baby 2 months ago, cant lose weight?

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I just had a baby 2 months ago and im still huge. I cant even lose 1 lb even though im exercising like crazy, i am dieting, etc.. its just not working. Im going friday to get my thyroid checked but is there anyway i can lose this weight?? im tired of people asking me if im still pregnant and making fat puns




  1. are you breastfeeding? I gained 32 pounds during pregnancy and have lost 31 of them, (had baby 4 months ago) and I've been breastfeeding, exercising moderately (5x weekly for 35-40min) and semi-dieting. (I try to eat as healthy as possible, but I definitely still eat chocolate and treats everyday, and fast food occasionally. Maybe try weight watchers- I've never tried it but every single person I know that has tried it, has been successful at losing weight.

  2. it took you 9 months to gain the weight right?  you need to have realistic expectations of yourself.  Quit making yourself feel bad, it's only been a couple of months.  I had my baby 15 wks ago and I'm only just starting to lose weight, very slowly.  Concentrate on your baby and eating healthy.  Get out for walks and soon your hormones will be back in check and you'll see it coming off.

    As for those jerks making fat puns, you need to ignore them.  Your only bigger because you produced this spectacular little being and if they can't see it and are insensitive enough to make jokes than tell them to get lost.

  3. Diet and exercise are the only ways to take it off.  You need to burn up more calories than you consume in order to lose weight.  Also, a lot of attention has been given to carbs now.  There is a conversion table which converts carb grams to carbs.  You usually are allowed 4 carbs at each meal in order to control weight.  Also, after I had a baby I tended to retain fluid.  My hands and feet swelled some, but the Dr said it would resolve itself on its own, and it did.  Retaining excess fluid can cause weight gain, so you might want to have the Dr check you for that.  Good luck, and try to ignore the remarks of insensitive people.

  4. You shouldn't be expecting to lose any weight at 2 months postpartum, you shouldn't have started to try loosing any weight until then, and you shouldn't have started exercising until 6 weeks postpartum.  The human body is very smart, after the stress of just having a baby, if you are dieting and exercising too much your body may think it's starving so it will hold on to as much water and fat stores as possible to make milk and protect you (even if you aren't breast feeding your body was made to make milk and feed your child, it will prepare to do so).  I lost a lot of fluid within the first 8 weeks, but I am just now starting to lose the baby weight.  I didn't start exercising (besides walking) until after I started weaning my baby 4 weeks ago, he will be 11 months.  It takes your body about 2 years to heal from childbirth, women expect waaaayyy too much of their bodies, you shouldn't be back to "normal" until at least then, but most women never do, their bodies have a new "normal'.  Also, postpartum hypothyroidism is quite common, so you just may find a problem there.  Good luck and be healthy!!

  5. I had my baby 6 months ago and its only now that i can see weight finally coming off(very slowly though!) I tried everything to get it to go quicker but it seemed like my metabolism literally stopped, infact i put ON weight when i was breastfeeding and i was eating a more healthy diet than i had ever done in my life.  

  6. I basically starved myself after pregnancy very sorry I dont think Im much help. But I did lose all 50lbs back in a size 3 within 7 months

  7. Have you tried this workout video?

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