
Had dream about nuclear explosion, what it means?

by  |  earlier

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the dream starts out that i work at this one high tech computer factory, i then i go outside to the parking lot, it looked like it was around 5 or 6, the sky is all red, then on the horizon

i look and see what i think is the sun, but alot bigger, it was this dark red circle, and im thinking this is cool, so i take out my camera phone, and im bout to take a picture, i see a smaller circle thing to the right of it the bigger one, and realize thats the sun, it was red too. and i look at the bigger one and see that it was a giant mushroom cloud, and suddenly thought we got nuked and were at war

i call home and no ones anwers, and try again but no

i go back inside the workplace, and turn on the tv to if anything was on about it, at first all the news channels had commericails on them, then i see this video footage on tv of some police cars in some europe country speeding thruough traffic, then they crash into each other, then i worry what do i do, im really scared then i wake up




  1. scary


    do you watch anything that has to do w/ war or explosions b 4 u fall asleep?

  2. It means you are going to get laid very soon.

    that is what your dream is telling you.

  3. a nuclear explosion can be accidental. Such an accident can unintentionally have very far-reaching effects. To dream of a nuclear explosion can highlight our anxiety about great change in our lives. We do not yet know what effect that change may have. We do, however, know we must undertake radical change , but would prefer it to be a more gradual process.

  4. maybe your just really freaked out and scared about what will happen if the war gets bad i do the same thing and have almost the same dreams but mine is about chemical warfare

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