the dream starts out that i work at this one high tech computer factory, i then i go outside to the parking lot, it looked like it was around 5 or 6, the sky is all red, then on the horizon
i look and see what i think is the sun, but alot bigger, it was this dark red circle, and im thinking this is cool, so i take out my camera phone, and im bout to take a picture, i see a smaller circle thing to the right of it the bigger one, and realize thats the sun, it was red too. and i look at the bigger one and see that it was a giant mushroom cloud, and suddenly thought we got nuked and were at war
i call home and no ones anwers, and try again but no
i go back inside the workplace, and turn on the tv to if anything was on about it, at first all the news channels had commericails on them, then i see this video footage on tv of some police cars in some europe country speeding thruough traffic, then they crash into each other, then i worry what do i do, im really scared then i wake up